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[英]Preferring non-generic version of method over generic version in c#

I'm trying to stub an NHibernate ICriteria using JustMock. 我正在尝试使用JustMock存根NHibernate ICriteria。

Specifically I'm trying to stub the List<> method when it is called with an array of object: 具体来说,我正在尝试使用对象数组调用List <>方法时:

var mockCriteria = Mock.Create<ICriteria>();
Mock.Arrange(() => mockCriteria.List<object[]>()).Returns(
    new object[]
        new object[] {"CompanyX", 1, 1, 1, 0}, 
        new object[] {"CompanyX", 1, 1, 1, 0}, 
        new object[] {"CompanyY", 2, 1, 1, 0}

When I execute the second line (the Arrange) I'm getting the error: 当我执行第二行(编配)时,出现错误:

System.InvalidOperationExceptionSystem.Collections.IList List() is not a GenericMethodDefinition. MakeGenericMethod may only be called on a method for which MethodBase.IsGenericMethodDefinition is true.
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(Type[] methodInstantiation)
   at \x7\x5\x2.\x8\x2.\x3\x15\x2(Type \x8, MethodBase , BindingFlags \x1C\xF\x2)   at \x6\x2.\x6\x2.Create(Object , MethodInfo \x6, Boolean \x6\x2)   at \x7\x5\x2.\x11\x14\x2.\x11\x13\x2(\xF\x2 \x5\xF)   at Telerik.JustMock.Mock.\x1F.\x15\x2(\x11\x14\x2 \x2)   at \x7\x5\x2.\x5\x14\x2.\x1C[\x4\x14\x2,\x5\x2](\xF\x2 \xF\x2, Func`2 \x3\x14\x2)   atThreshold.DeviceManagerGateway.UnitTests.Queries.DeviceNetworkStatusQueryFacts.RetrieveDevicesAsDeviceNetworkStats() in DeviceNetworkStatusQueryFacts.cs: line 24

ICriteria has both a List() and a List<T>() method and it looks like the compiler is picking up the non-generic version of the List method instead of the generic version. ICriteria同时具有List()List<T>()方法,看起来编译器选择的是非通用版本的List方法,而不是通用版本。 Assuming that I'm correct and that it's picking up the wrong version of the List method, does anybody know how to force this? 假设我是正确的并且选择了错误的List方法版本,有人知道如何强制执行此操作吗? Or if it's a different problem can anyone point me to how to solve this? 或者,如果是另一个问题,谁能指出我该如何解决呢?

I tried it with a recent version of JustMock and the problem doesn't crop up. 我用JustMock的最新版本进行了尝试,但问题并没有出现。

Judging by the presence of obfuscation, it seems that you're using a pretty old version. 从混淆的存在来看,似乎您使用的是旧版本。

You can download the latest version of JustMock from NuGet or from your Telerik account. 您可以从NuGet或您的Telerik帐户下载最新版本的JustMock。

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