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在Polymer core-ajax中传递嵌套对象

[英]Passing nested objects in Polymer core-ajax

I am trying to pass a nested object to Polymer core-ajax. 我试图将嵌套对象传递给Polymer core-ajax。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

<core-ajax url="DSPUser1.php" method="POST" on-core-response="{{responseventDSPUser}}" params='{"userID":"Anon", "transactionType":"DSPUser", "payload":{"id":"1"}}' handleAs="json" id="transactionDSPUser" response="{{msgout}}">``

When I look at the POST in the Chrome tools I see the following under Form Data: 当我在Chrome工具中查看POST时,在Form Data下看到以下内容:

payload:[object Object]

It looks as if core-ajax is not handling nested objects. 似乎core-ajax没有处理嵌套对象。

Is this a feature or a bug? 这是功能还是错误?

Should I be using body instead of params? 我应该使用身体代替参数吗?

Regardless is there a way to pass a nested object using core-ajax? 无论如何,都可以使用core-ajax传递嵌套对象?

PS When I use JQuery $.POST Chrome shows the following for Form Data for a similar request PS当我使用JQuery $ .POST时,Chrome对类似的请求显示以下表单数据


If Im not wrong, params are converted into queryString. 如果Im没错,则将参数转换为queryString。 For POST operations you should use body instead. 对于POST操作,应改用body。

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