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[英]Batch file to loop through a directory and create a variable based on each file

I have a text file with a list of server IP addresses and the code below (which I've scrapped together from other coding) loops through it and brings back a modified date of a named file for each server in the list... 我有一个带有服务器IP地址列表的文本文件,下面的代码(我从其他编码中删除了这些代码)循环遍历它,并为列表中的每个服务器带回一个命名文件的修改日期...

FOR /f %%a IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
 CALL :getmod %%a


SET Server=%1
SET File=Abs_Client.exe

FOR %%i IN ("\\%Server%\C$\Com_Dir\%File%") DO SET modif_time=%%~ti
Echo %Server% %File% %modif_time% >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"

GOTO :eof

That works great...however, what I'd like to do is create another loop around it which creates a variable for each file in a directory and pass that into the code above instead of having to manually change the 'SET File' as shown above for individual files. 效果很好...但是,我想做的是围绕它创建另一个循环,该循环为目录中的每个文件创建一个变量,并将其传递到上面的代码中,而不必手动更改“ SET File”为上面显示的是单个文件。

Something along the lines of; 某种东西


FOR /D %VAR IN ("\\Network_Location\AppMedia\App Source Files\Prod Apps\Server_Update") DO (

FOR /f %%a IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
 CALL :getmod %%a


SET Server=%1

FOR %%i IN ("\\%Server%\C$\Com_Dir\%File%") DO SET modif_time=%%~ti
Echo %Server% %File% %modif_time% >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"

GOTO :eof


Clearly it's wrong so any ideas/help please? 显然这是错误的,所以有什么想法/帮助吗?

haven't testet, but maybe a hint in the right direction: 还没有睾丸,但可能是正确方向的提示:


FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%F IN ('DIR "\\Network_Location\AppMedia\App Source Files\Prod Apps\Server_Update" /s /b /a:-d') DO (
  FOR /F %%A IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
    CALL :getmod %%A "%%~nxF"


SET Server=%1
SET "tmpFile=%~2"

FOR %%I IN ("\\%Server%\C$\Com_Dir\%tmpFile%") DO ECHO %Server% %tmpFile% %%~tI >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"

As far as i know, FOR /D only executes for directorys and if i understand your question, you have files in "Prod Apps\\Server_Update", for each you like to have the file-date/time from the target-server... right? 据我所知,FOR / D仅对目录执行,如果我理解您的问题,则您在“ Prod Apps \\ Server_Update”中都有文件,每个文件都希望从目标服务器获取文件日期/时间。 。 对?

Edit: 编辑:

Maybe this works too: 也许这也可行:

FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%F IN ('DIR "\\Network_Location\AppMedia\App Source Files\Prod Apps\Server_Update" /s /b /a:-d') DO (
  FOR /F %%A IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
    FOR %%X IN ("\\%%A\C$\Com_Dir\%%~nxF") DO ECHO %%A %%~nxF %%~tX >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"

without the :getmod 没有:getmod

Edit: /b-switch was missing from the first DIR-Command in 2nd suggestion 编辑:/ b开关从第二个建议中的第一个DIR命令中丢失

FOR /f %%a IN (C:\Scripts\Servers.txt) DO (
 FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN ('dir /b/a-d "\\%%a\C$\Com_Dir\*"') DO Echo %%a %%i %%~ti >> "C:\Scripts\Server_App_Mod_date.txt"

Should work, IIUC. 应该工作,IIUC。 Can't test, I'm afraid... 无法测试,恐怕...

[Edit - removed call to getmod - not required] [编辑-删除对getmod调用-不需要]

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