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Windows Azure通知中心注册ID和令牌位置?

[英]Windows Azure notification hub registration ID and token location?

I am using Windows Azure notification hub to send notifications to the users in my Android application. 我正在使用Windows Azure通知中心将通知发送给我的Android应用程序中的用户。 I have some kind of a chat in my application, and I would like to send notifications only to specific users. 我的应用程序中存在某种聊天,我只想向特定用户发送通知。 I suppose that I have to specify their tags when sending notifications. 我想我在发送通知时必须指定他们的标签。 Where are those tags stored? 这些标签存储在哪里? How am I sure that the user is properly registered? 我如何确定用户已正确注册? I have this code for registering users: 我有以下代码用于注册用户:

    private void registerWithNotificationHubs() {
       new AsyncTask() {
          protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) {
             try {
                String regid = gcm.register(SENDER_ID);
                hub.register(regid, "tag");
             } catch (Exception e) {
                return e;
             return null;
       }.execute(null, null, null);

When not using a tag, the notifications work and they are sent to all the devices. 不使用标签时,通知会起作用,并且通知会发送到所有设备。 I'd like to add a tag and send the notification to specific tag. 我想添加标签并将通知发送到特定标签。

We call it tags not tokens. 我们称其为标签而不是令牌。 You can specify one ore more tags for each device registration and then use those tags to rout messages to particular user or group. 您可以为每个设备注册指定一个或多个标签,然后使用这些标签向特定用户或组发送消息。 Documentation id here . 此处的文档ID。

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