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[英]Trouble with plotting using ggplot2

I am using dplyr and ggplot2 to make some sense out of data that I have on hospitals. 我正在使用dplyr和ggplot2来了解我在医院中得到的数据。 I'm use the following code to get Ownership of hospitals and their performance in percentage from my tidied data (a data frame called "final): 我使用以下代码从整理的数据(称为“最终”数据框)中获取医院的所有权及其绩效的百分比:

owner <- final%>%  group_by(Ownership)%>%  summarise(Score=mean(Total))

This produces 这产生

> owner
Source: local data frame [4 x 2]

     Ownership    Score
1          HMO 78.84817
2 governmental 84.33656
3    municipal 81.40438
4 semi private 85.01617

I can plot the above using 我可以使用绘制

p <- ggplot(owner, aes(Ownership, Score))

I can't post images as I need at least 10 reputations! 我无法发布图片,因为我需要至少10个信誉!

I can also classify hospitals based on their sizes : 我还可以根据规模对医院进行分类:

owner <- final%>%
group_by(Ownership, Size)%>%

which gives me this 这给我这个

> owner
Source: local data frame [10 x 3]
Groups: Ownership

      Ownership   Size    Score
1           HMO    big 82.50567
2           HMO medium 83.12919
3           HMO  small 67.76271
4  governmental    big 85.86831
5  governmental medium 83.70145
6  governmental  small 84.69767
7     municipal    big 81.40438
8  semi private    big 94.07850
9  semi private medium 82.54112
10 semi private  small 84.33079

What I am now trying to do is plot the same data as the first one, but filled in the percentages of size : 我现在想做的是绘制与第一个相同的数据,但以size的百分比填充:

p <- ggplot(owner, aes(Ownership, Score, fill=Size))

This plot is obviously wrong as I what I am expecting is breakdown of the original value, for eg. 该图显然是错误的,因为我期望的是原始值的细分,例如。 for HMO it is 78.84817, in terms of Size percentages. 对于HMO,按大小百分比计为78.84817。 Can someone help me with this please. 有人可以帮我吗

Try: 尝试:

ggplot(owner, aes(Ownership, percentscore, fill=Size)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")


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