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错误:localparam shift1无法覆盖,但是我在verilog中声明为参数

[英]Getting error: localparam shift1 cannot be overwritten,however I declared as parameter in verilog

I have the following LFSR written in verilog: 我有以下用Verilog编写的LFSR:

module LFSR #(parameter SIZE=1) /*Define a parameter for size of output*/
        input clk,
        input reset,
        output [SIZE-1:0] q

/*feedback taps for the LFSR*/
parameter shift1=1,shift2=2,shift3=2;

reg [15:0] shift; /*Shift register*/
wire xor_sum1,xor_sum2; /*feedback signals*/

/*Feedback logic*/
assign xor_sum1=shift[shift1] ^ shift[shift2];
assign xor_sum2=xor_sum1 ^ shift[shift3];

/*Shift the registers*/
always @ (posedge clk,posedge reset)

/*Set the output*/
assign q=shift[SIZE-1:0];


I try to instantiate it as follows: 我尝试如下实例化它:

/*Instantiate LFSR for the Random_X_Vel variable*/

Not sure what I am doing wrong, It fails to compile in ISE14.7 and in Modelsim 10.2. 不知道我在做什么错,它无法在ISE14.7和Modelsim 10.2中编译。

What is causing the issue and how can I fix it? 是什么原因导致该问题,我该如何解决?

When you define your parameters as follow: 当您按如下方式定义参数时:

parameter shift1=1,shift2=2,shift3=2;

Modelsim allows you to modify this values with defparam keyword, ie: Modelsim允许您使用defparam关键字修改此值,即:

defparam LFSR_Random_X_Vel.shift1 = 3;

If you want to be able to do in-line redefinition you should declare your parameters as follow: 如果您希望能够进行内联重定义,则应按以下方式声明参数:

module LFSR #(parameter SIZE=1,shift1=1,shift2=2,shift3=2)
    input clk,
    input reset,
    output [SIZE-1:0] q

It looks like a Modelsim problem, because some other programs (eg Riviera) don't have any problems while compiling your code. 它看起来像是Modelsim问题,因为其他一些程序(例如Riviera)在编译代码时没有任何问题。

The LFSR only has 1 configurable parameter. LFSR只有1个可配置参数。 module LFSR #(parameter SIZE=1) . module LFSR #(parameter SIZE=1) But you instance tries to set 4. 但是您的实例尝试设置4。


Moving the 'local' parameters into the port list will allow them to be set on the instance; 将“本地”参数移至端口列表将允许在实例上进行设置。

module LFSR #(
  parameter SIZE=1,
  parameter shift1=1,
  parameter shift2=2,
  parameter shift3=2

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