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[英]JavaFX: Apply text color to TableCell using custom style sheet?

JavaFX: How can I apply text color to a TableCell using a custom style sheet? JavaFX: 如何使用自定义样式表将文本颜色应用于TableCell?

It works fine, when I use setTextFill() in my CellFactory directly, but I want to apply custom style using an external CSS file. 当我直接在我的CellFactory中使用setTextFill()时,它工作正常,但我想使用外部CSS文件应用自定义样式。 I could prove that my CSS class is applied, since the font becomes bold. 我可以证明我的CSS类已应用,因为字体变为粗体。 The CSS file's font color, however, is not applied. 但是,不应用CSS文件的字体颜色。

protected void updateItem(MyObject item, boolean empty) {
    super.updateItem(item, empty);

    if (null != item) {        
        // EITHER:
        this.getStyleClass().add("styleImportant"); // Does NOT set color.

        // OR:
        this.setTextFill(Color.RED); // Does set color.
    else {


Style sheet: 样式表:

.styleImportant {
    -fx-font-weight: bold; /** Does work. */
    -fx-text-fill: red; /** Does NOT work. */

It is somehow related to specificity of CSS selectors, but I did not manage to find any valid setup. 它在某种程度上与CSS选择器的特异性有关,但我没有找到任何有效的设置。

Edit: I managed to apply both, a custom text color and background color, using CSS. 编辑:我设法使用CSS同时应用自定义文本颜色和背景颜色。 My implementation now uses a Label that is wrapped in a VBox to make the background color fill the entire table cell. 我的实现现在使用包裹在VBoxLabel来使背景颜色填充整个表格单元格。 However, I still had some issues with background color not being cleared when removing the custom style. 但是,在删除自定义样式时,仍然存在一些未清除背景颜色的问题。

Is there any better solution than applying a clear style ? 有没有比应用清晰风格更好的解决方案?

colExample.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<Example, Example>, TableCell<Example, Example>>() {
  public TableCell<Example, Example> call(TableColumn<Example, Example> tableColumn) {
     return new TableCell<Example, Example>() {
        private VBox container;
        private Label text;

        // Anonymous constructor
           this.container = new VBox();
           this.text = this.createLabel();

           this.setStyle("-fx-padding: -1 -1 -1 -1;"); // Remove padding from cell


        private final Label createLabel() {
           Label label = new Label();

           VBox.setVgrow(label, Priority.ALWAYS);

           return label;

        protected void updateItem(Example example, boolean empty) {
           super.updateItem(example, empty);

           // Reset column styles
           if (null != this.text && null != this.text.getStyleClass()) {
              String[] possibleStyles = new String[] { "styleImportant", "clearStyle" };

              for (String style: possibleStyles) {
                 if (this.text.getStyleClass().contains(style)) {
                    // Will not reset background, even though style is removed?

              // Apply reset style to clear background color

           if (null != example) {

              if (example.isImportant()) {

My style sheet: 我的样式表:

/** Keep black text color, when user selects row */
.table-row-cell:focused {
   -fx-dark-text-color: #000000;
   -fx-mid-text-color: #000000;
   -fx-light-text-color: #000000;

/** Style to reset background color */
.clearStyle {
   -fx-background-color: transparent;

/** Style for important cells */
.styleImportant {
   /** Red text color on any background */
   -fx-dark-text-color: #FF0000;
   -fx-mid-text-color: #FF0000;
   -fx-light-text-color: #FF0000;

   -fx-background-color: #FF9999;

As José points out in his answer, if you are setting a graphic in your cell, you (probably) need to apply the css style class to the graphic (depending on what that graphic is). 正如José在他的回答中指出的那样,如果你在单元格中设置图形,你(可能)需要将css样式类应用于图形(取决于图形是什么)。 If you are simply calling setText(...) your code should work. 如果您只是调用setText(...)您的代码应该可以工作。

The reason that a Label set as the graphic doesn't inherit -fx-text-fill from the table cell is that the Label also has a setting for -fx-text-fill . 设置为图形的Label不会从表格单元格继承-fx-text-fill的原因是Label还具有-fx-text-fill In the default stylesheet, both TableCell and Label have this set as follows: 在默认样式表中, TableCellLabel都具有以下设置:

-fx-text-fill: -fx-text-background-color ;

fx-text-background-color is a looked-up color that is defined as a ladder, as follows: fx-text-background-color是一种被定义为梯形的查找颜色 ,如下所示:

-fx-text-background-color: ladder(
    -fx-light-text-color 45%,
    -fx-dark-text-color  46%,
    -fx-dark-text-color  59%,
    -fx-mid-text-color   60%

This (fairly complex) setting means that the value of -fx-text-background-color depends on the value of -fx-background . 这个(相当复杂的)设置意味着-fx-text-background-color的值取决于-fx-background的值。 If -fx-background is less than 45% of maximum intensity (ie it's dark), the value of -fx-text-background-color is set to -fx-light-text-color . 如果-fx-background小于最大强度的45%(即它是暗的),则-fx-text-background-color值设置为-fx-light-text-color If -fx-background is between 46% and 59% intensity, the value is equal to -fx-drak-text-color . 如果-fx-background强度介于46%和59%之间,则该值等于-fx-drak-text-color If it is 60% or more, it's set to -fx-mid-text-color . 如果它是60%或更多,则设置为-fx-mid-text-color The idea here is that the text color will automatically adjust to the background to remain visible. 这里的想法是文本颜色将自动调整为背景以保持可见。 The values of -fx-dark-text-color , -fx-mid-text-color , and -fx-light-text-color are set to black, a dark gray (#333), and white, respectively. -fx-dark-text-color-fx-mid-text-color-fx-light-text-color分别设置为黑色,深灰色(#333)和白色。

Since Label does not override the value of -fx-text-background-color , you can achieve what you need by just changing the value of that for your table cell: 由于Label不会覆盖-fx-text-background-color的值,因此只需更改表格单元格的值即可实现所需:

.styleImportant {
    -fx-text-background-color: red ;

Now this overrides the looked-up color value for the table cell, and since the graphic inside the cell doesn't override that value itself, it inherits it from the cell. 现在,这将覆盖表格单元格的查找颜色值,并且由于单元格内的图形本身不会覆盖该值,因此它会从单元格继承该值。

A more sophisticated way to do this is to redefine the -fx-[light|mid|dark]-text-color s. 更复杂的方法是重新定义-fx-[light|mid|dark]-text-color s。 The advantage of this is that the colors will adjust appropriately if you change the background: in particular if the cell is selected you can ensure that the text stays visible: 这样做的好处是,如果更改背景,颜色将适当调整:特别是如果选择了单元格,则可以确保文本保持可见:

.styleImportant {
    -fx-light-text-color: white ;
    -fx-mid-text-color:   #c00 ;
    -fx-dark-text-color:  red ;

Since I don't know what type of object is in the cell, I'll use a Label . 由于我不知道单元格中的对象类型,我将使用Label

This is what you are doing: 这就是你在做什么:

public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
    TableView<Label> table = new TableView<>();
    TableColumn<Label,String> column = new TableColumn<>();
    column.setCellValueFactory(param -> param.getValue().textProperty());
    column.setCellFactory((TableColumn<Label, String> param) -> {
        TableCell<Label, String> cell = new TableCell<Label, String>(){

            protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty){
                super.updateItem(item, empty);
                    Label label = new Label(item);
        return cell;

This will give you bold text, but black. 这将为您提供粗体文字,但黑色。

If you want to have an object (in my case, a Label ) with red text, apply the style sheet to the object: 如果您想要一个带有红色文本的对象(在我的情况下是一个Label ),请将样式表应用于该对象:

            protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty){
                super.updateItem(item, empty);
                    Label label = new Label(item);


This is the full code of the example: 这是示例的完整代码:

public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
    TableView<Label> table = new TableView<>();

    ObservableList<Label> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
             new Label("Some Text"), new Label("Some More Text"));

    TableColumn<Label,String> column = new TableColumn<>("Column");
    column.setCellValueFactory(param -> param.getValue().textProperty());
    column.setCellFactory((TableColumn<Label, String> param) -> {
        TableCell<Label, String> cell = new TableCell<Label, String>(){

            protected void updateItem(String value, boolean empty){
                super.updateItem(value, empty);

                    Label label = new Label(value);
                } else {
        return cell;


    Scene scene = new Scene(table, 300, 250);


where in table.css: table.css中的位置:

.styleImportant {
    -fx-font-weight: bold;
    -fx-text-fill: red;

Running this short sample should look like this: 运行此简短示例应如下所示:


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