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[英]JavaFX: How to correctly color background of the selected TableCell?

I want to change the row background color into green when to select a row. 我想在选择行时将行背景颜色更改为绿色。 However, although the selected row was changed color, the additionally wrong row was also changed color. 但是,尽管所选行已更改颜色,但另外错误的行也已更改颜色。 I can't figure out why?? 我不知道为什么?

This is a JavaFX program coding in Intellij of Windows 10. 这是Windows 10 Intellij中的JavaFX程序编码。

TestFXML.java: TestFXML.java:

public class TestFXML implements Initializable {
    TableView<ItemLog> table;
    TableColumn<ItemLog,String> column1,column2,column4;
    TableColumn<ItemLog,Number> column3;

    public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
        ObservableList<ItemLog> root=FXCollections.observableArrayList();
                new ItemLog("E0001","2.5㎟ XLPE", 1.2,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0002","4㎟ XLPE",1.5,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0003","6㎟ XLPE",2.0,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0004","10㎟ XLPE",4.0,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0005","16㎟ XLPE",6.2,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0006","25㎟ XLPE",9.1,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0007","35㎟ XLPE",14.5,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0008","50㎟ XLPE",20.6,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0009","70㎟ XLPE",31.2,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E00010","120㎟ XLPE",40.5,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E00011","150㎟ XLPE",55.3,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E00012","185㎟ XLPE",78.8,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E00013","240㎟ XLPE",96.0,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0101","2.5㎟ PVC", 1.2,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0102","4㎟ PVC",0.8,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0103","6㎟ PVC",1.2,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0104","10㎟ PVC",2.1,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0105","16㎟ PVC",4.3,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0106","25㎟ PVC",6.8,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0107","35㎟ PVC",9.5,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0108","50㎟ PVC",12.8,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E0109","70㎟ PVC",16.9,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E01010","120㎟ PVC",21.5,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E01011","150㎟ PVC",27.6,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E01012","185㎟ PVC",38.4,"m"),
                new ItemLog("E01013","240㎟ PVC",52.9,"m")
        column1.setCellValueFactory(param -> param.getValue().code);
        column2.setCellValueFactory(param -> param.getValue().description);
        column3.setCellValueFactory(param -> param.getValue().price);
        column4.setCellValueFactory(param -> param.getValue().unit);
        //To change selected row color into green
        table.getFocusModel().focusedCellProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
            if(newValue.getTableColumn() != null){
                newValue.getTableColumn().setCellFactory(param -> new TableCell(){
                    protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
                        super.updateItem(item, empty);
                        if (empty) {
    private class ItemLog {
        StringProperty code=new SimpleStringProperty();
        StringProperty description=new SimpleStringProperty();
        DoubleProperty price=new SimpleDoubleProperty();
        StringProperty unit=new SimpleStringProperty();
        ItemLog(String code, String description, Double price, String unit) {

TestFXML.fxml: TestFXML.fxml:

<Pane prefHeight="414.0" prefWidth="602.0" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="sample.TestFXML">
       <TableView fx:id="table" maxHeight="1.7976931348623157E308" prefHeight="421.0" prefWidth="602.0">
           <TableColumn fx:id="column1" editable="false" prefWidth="100.0" text="A" />
           <TableColumn fx:id="column2" editable="false" prefWidth="300.0" text="B" />
             <TableColumn fx:id="column3" editable="false" prefWidth="100.0" text="C" />
             <TableColumn fx:id="column4" editable="false" prefWidth="100.0" text="D" />

I expected when I select 1st row, only 1st row changes in to green color. 我希望在选择第一行时,只有第一行变为绿色。 Actual result is when I selected 1st row, 1st and 19th rows changed in to green color. 实际结果是当我选择第一行,第一行和第19行变为绿色时。

There are 3 issues with your approach: 您的方法存在3个问题:

  1. You never reset the look of the cell, if the cell becomes empty or the item is changed to a different one. 如果单元格为空或该项目更改为其他单元格,则永远不会重置单元格的外观。
  2. TableView usually does not recreate the cells, if the cellFactory changes. 如果cellFactory发生更改, TableView通常不会重新创建单元格。 Each cellFactory chooses to highlight a cell based on the focused cell at the time the cellFactory creating the cell was created . 每个cellFactory 在创建创建该单元格的cellFactory根据突出显示的单元格选择突出显示一个单元 Even if cells were recreated, you'd still see highlighted cells in other columns, since you never change back to a cellFactory not highlighting cells. 即使重新创建了单元格,您仍然会在其他列中看到突出显示的单元格,因为您永远都不会回到不突出显示单元格的cellFactory
  3. Focused and selected cells may differ. 重点和选定的单元格可能会有所不同。

Doing those modifications is much simpler, if you use a CSS stylesheet, since TableCell s get assigned a pseudo class when they get focused allowing you to only define the style of focused cells without the need to worry about cellFactory s: 如果使用CSS样式表,则进行这些修改要简单得多,因为TableCell在获得焦点时会被分配一个伪类,从而使您只需定义焦点单元格的样式即可,而不必担心cellFactory

style.css style.css文件

.table-cell:selected {
    -fx-background-color: green;

fxml FXML

<Pane stylesheets="style.css" prefHeight="414.0" prefWidth="602.0" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" fx:controller="sample.TestFXML">

Remove the cellFactory assignments from your java code for the above approach to work. 从Java代码中删除cellFactory分配,以使上述方法起作用。

To only style specific TableView s this way you could eg add a style class to the TableView and select it based on the style class of the TableView , eg 要仅风格特异TableView s这个方式,你可以如样式类添加到TableView并选择它基于风格类的TableView ,如

.my-tableview .table-cell:selected {
    -fx-background-color: green;

Also it becomes much simpler to combine different criteria, eg 合并不同的标准也变得更加简单,例如

/* style for selected and hovered cell */
.table-cell:selected:hover {
    -fx-background-color: yellow;

I got the solution by myself. 我自己找到了解决方案。 To Modify that: 修改它:


into: 成:


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