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[英]Return single value from a collection document in Meteor

I am trying to retrieve a single value from a Meteor collection document to use in a three.js scene. 我试图从Meteor集合文档中检索单个值以在three.js场景中使用。 I want to be able to create a three.js object that uses variables from the database. 我希望能够创建一个使用数据库中的变量的three.js对象。 These variables are static for now. 这些变量现在是静态的。

What I have is a three.js scene in Template.home.rendered. 我所拥有的是Template.home.rendered中的three.js场景。 I have created a "Part" collection and made all data available to both client and server. 我创建了一个“Part”集合,并将所有数据提供给客户端和服务器。 There is a single data fixture (document) with Part.insert({ name: "myPart", val: 75 }); 有一个带有Part.insert({ name: "myPart", val: 75 });的单个数据夹具(文档) Part.insert({ name: "myPart", val: 75 }); .

I would like to able to return the value of the "val" field as a variable in the three.js scene like such var size = Part.findOne(Part.val); 我希望能够将“val”字段的值作为变量返回到three.js场景中,如var size = Part.findOne(Part.val); . However, the variable returns undefined. 但是,变量返回undefined。 The data has been successfully written to the database and the browser cache. 数据已成功写入数据库和浏览器缓存。 What am I missing? 我错过了什么?

size = Part.findOne({name:"myPart"}).val;

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