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[英]3-Way-Databinding for Single Document instead of Collection using Meteor and Angular

According to the documentation, it is possible to bind a collection to the Angular Scope with 根据文档,可以通过以下方式将集合绑定到Angular Scope:

 angular.module('socially', ['angular-meteor']);

  angular.module('socially').controller('PartiesListCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.parties = $meteor.collection(Parties);

This works really well when having a list of items I want to display. 当有我要显示的项目列表时,这确实很好用。

But now I want to edit one of those items, which means I don´t have any collection to bind, but just a single document 但是现在我要编辑其中一项,这意味着我没有要绑定的任何收藏, 而只有一个文档

 angular.module('socially', ['angular-meteor']);

  angular.module('socially').controller('PartiesListCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.party = $meteor.collection(Parties.findOne({my query});

I need a 3-Way-Binding to have changes from the client immediately saved to the database. 我需要3-Way-Binding,以将来自客户端的更改立即保存到数据库。

How is that possible for just one document? 仅一份文件怎么可能?

simply pass this into our angularjs function. 只需将其传递到我们的angularjs函数即可。

<div ng-repeat="party in parties">
      <span ng-click="editparty(this)">{{party.location}}</span>

in angularjs function this (which is now obj ) will contain the party object. 在angularjs功能this (也就是现在的obj )将包含party对象。

$scope.editparty = function(obj){

    obj.party.location = "England"; //edit party object

    //pass to our database...

    obj.party = $meteor.collection(Parties.findOne({my query});


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