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ipython plotly:无法将x轴绘制为日期时间

[英]ipython plotly: cannot plot x-axis as datetime

So, I have data in pandas dataframe, where row names are given in datetime pandas.tseries. 因此,我在pandas数据框中有数据,在datetime pandas.tseries中给出了行名。 I can plot the data in matplotlib and I get this figure: 我可以在matplotlib中绘制数据,得到以下图:


however, I want to use plotly to draw the same graph in inetarctive mode. 但是,我想在Inetarctive模式下使用plotly绘制相同的图形。 It works follows, but it doesn't show the datetime, instead it replaces the x-axis with integer indexing! 它可以正常工作,但是不显示日期时间,而是将x轴替换为整数索引!

https://plot.ly/~vmirjalily/5/ https://plot.ly/~vmirjalily/5/

The figure in the URL above is plotted using this code: 上面URL中的图是使用以下代码绘制的:

dfmean = df.mean(axis=1)
dfmean_mavg = pd.rolling_mean(dfmean, 50)

dfmean.plot(linewidth=1.5, label='Mean of 20')
dfmean_mavg.plot(linewidth=3, label='Moving Avg.')

l1 = plt.plot(dfmean, 'b-', linewidth=3)
l2 = plt.plot(dfmean_mavg, 'g-', linewidth=4)

mpl_fig1 = plt.gcf()

py.iplot_mpl(mpl_fig1, filename='avg-price.20stocks')

but this code doesn't show the datetime index in the x-axis. 但是此代码未在x轴上显示日期时间索引。 I tried to force the datetime index as below: 我试图强制日期时间索引如下:

l1 = plt.plot(np.array(dfmean.index), dfmean, 'b-', linewidth=3)
l2 = plt.plot(np.array(dfmean_mavg.index), dfmean_mavg, 'g-', linewidth=4)

mpl_fig1 = plt.gcf()

py.iplot_mpl(mpl_fig1, filename='avg-price.20stocks')

but it gave a long list of errors as below 但是它给出了很多错误,如下所示


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-35-4a3ca217202d> in <module>()
     14 mpl_fig1 = plt.gcf()
---> 16 py.iplot_mpl(mpl_fig1, filename='avg-price.20stocks')

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/plotly/plotly/plotly.pyc in iplot_mpl(fig, resize, strip_style, update, **plot_options)
    257             "object. Run 'help(plotly.graph_objs.Figure)' for more info."
    258         )
--> 259     return iplot(fig, **plot_options)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/plotly/plotly/plotly.pyc in iplot(figure_or_data, **plot_options)
    113     if 'auto_open' not in plot_options:
    114         plot_options['auto_open'] = False
--> 115     res = plot(figure_or_data, **plot_options)
    116     urlsplit = res.split('/')
    117     username, plot_id = urlsplit[-2][1:], urlsplit[-1]  # TODO: HACKY!

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/plotly/plotly/plotly.pyc in plot(figure_or_data, validate, **plot_options)
    212                 pass
    213     plot_options = _plot_option_logic(plot_options)
--> 214     res = _send_to_plotly(figure, **plot_options)
    215     if res['error'] == '':
    216         if plot_options['auto_open']:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/plotly/plotly/plotly.pyc in _send_to_plotly(figure, **plot_options)
    971     fig = tools._replace_newline(figure)  # does not mutate figure
    972     data = json.dumps(fig['data'] if 'data' in fig else [],
--> 973                       cls=utils._plotlyJSONEncoder)
    974     username, api_key = _get_session_username_and_key()
    975     kwargs = json.dumps(dict(filename=plot_options['filename'],

/usr/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.pyc in dumps(obj, skipkeys, ensure_ascii, check_circular, allow_nan, cls, indent, separators, encoding, default, **kw)
    236         check_circular=check_circular, allow_nan=allow_nan, indent=indent,
    237         separators=separators, encoding=encoding, default=default,
--> 238         **kw).encode(obj)

/usr/lib/python2.7/json/encoder.pyc in encode(self, o)
    199         # exceptions aren't as detailed.  The list call should be roughly
    200         # equivalent to the PySequence_Fast that ''.join() would do.
--> 201         chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
    202         if not isinstance(chunks, (list, tuple)):
    203             chunks = list(chunks)

/usr/lib/python2.7/json/encoder.pyc in iterencode(self, o, _one_shot)
    262                 self.key_separator, self.item_separator, self.sort_keys,
    263                 self.skipkeys, _one_shot)
--> 264         return _iterencode(o, 0)
    266 def _make_iterencode(markers, _default, _encoder, _indent, _floatstr,

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/plotly/utils.pyc in default(self, obj)
    144                 if s is not None:
    145                     return s
--> 146             raise e
    147         return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

TypeError: masked is not JSON serializable

Here is my package versions: 这是我的软件包版本:

IPython 2.0.0
numpy 1.9.0
numexpr 2.2.2
pandas 0.15.0
matplotlib 1.4.0
plotly 1.4.7

And the first 10 lines of my dataframe: 还有我数据框的前10行:

2011-01-04    54.2430
2011-01-05    54.3935
2011-01-06    54.4665
2011-01-07    54.5920
2011-01-10    54.9435
2011-01-11    54.9340
2011-01-12    55.4755
2011-01-13    55.5495
2011-01-14    56.0230
dtype: float64

There are a couple things going on here. 这里发生了几件事情。

The traceback: 追溯:

This traceback is telling you that you can't serialize masked numbers . 该回溯告诉您无法序列化屏蔽数字 Masked numbers are slightly different than NaN. 掩码的数字与NaN略有不同。 Here's a bit of info if you're curious: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/gotchas.html#nan-integer-na-values-and-na-type-promotions 如果您好奇,这里有一些信息: http : //pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/gotchas.html#nan-integer-na-values-and-na-type-promotions

The reason you have masked numbers is the moving average calculation you do. 屏蔽号码的原因是你做的移动平均计算。 It makes the first N values, where N is the number of points you're averaging over, masked. 它使前N值(其中N是您要平均的点数)被屏蔽。

Therefore, if you get rid of the masked values by manipulating the data frame, you wouldn't see that issue any more. 因此,如果通过操纵数据框摆脱了掩盖的值,您将再也不会看到问题。

Taking a queue from what DataFrame.to_json() does with masked values (turns them to null ), the most appropriate value to replace with in your list would be None if you try to go down that road. DataFrame.to_json()掩码值(将其设置为null )的操作中DataFrame.to_json()一个队列,如果您尝试沿着掩码方向使用,则在列表中替换为最合适的值将为None None translates best to null . None最好转换为null

The integer's on the x axis x轴上的整数

A bit of background. 有点背景。 When dates are in matplotlib, they are floating-point values representing the number of days since 0001-01-01 + 1, (see matplotlib dates for more info). 当日期在matplotlib中时,它们是浮点值,表示自0001-01-01 + 1开始的天数(有关更多信息,请参见matplotlib日期)。 However, importing pandas will alter this to use a different date representation, the number of days since the unix epoch, another floating point number. 但是,导入pandas会将其更改为使用不同的日期表示形式,即距unix纪元以来的天数(另一个浮点数)。 Version 1.4.7 in plotly was meant to handle both discrepancies by converting back to an ISO string, but perhaps there's another avenue that you've found. 1.4.7版中的目的是通过转换回ISO字符串来处理这两种差异,但是也许您发现了另一条途径。 I can't seem to recreate this error on my end though. 我似乎无法在终端上重新创建此错误。 Here's the code I tried: 这是我尝试的代码:

import random
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.tools as tls
num_pts = 1000
data = [random.random() for i in range(num_pts)]
index = pd.date_range('2011-01-04', periods=num_pts)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index)
dfmean = df.mean(axis=1)
dfmean_mavg = pd.rolling_mean(dfmean, 50)
dfmean.plot(linewidth=1.5, label='Mean of 20')
# dfmean_mavg.plot(linewidth=3, label='Moving Avg.')

mpl_fig1 = plt.gcf()
py.plot_mpl(mpl_fig1, filename='avg-price.20stocks')

Calling plt.plot on the series 在系列上调用plt.plot

It looks like you try to plot the portions of your data twice? 看起来您尝试两次绘制数据的一部分? I'm more familiar with calling the plot method directly on a data frame, which is why I chose to only include this version in the code snippet above. 我对直接在数据帧上调用plot方法更为熟悉,这就是为什么我选择仅在上面的代码片段中包含此版本。

TL;DR, just fix it. TL; DR,只需对其进行修复。

There's a PR open on Plotly's python api GH repo to handle this: https://github.com/plotly/python-api/pull/159 . 在Plotly的python api GH repo上有一个PR打开来处理此问题: https : //github.com/plotly/python-api/pull/159 It should be up on PyPi tomorrow. 明天应该在PyPi上进行。

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