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[英]How to highlighting active menu item on scroll and click?

I want to add a class active to the current menu item on scroll and click. 我想向滚动菜单上的当前菜单项添加active的类,然后单击。 It's a single (long) page with different sections. 这是一个包含不同部分的单个(长)页面。 When click on an item, the active state should switch to the current one. 单击一个项目时,活动状态应切换到当前状态。

I came up with the following code, but doesn't now how I can integrate the above: 我想出了以下代码,但现在不知道如何集成以上代码:

// Click event
    $('#primary-navwrapper li a[href^="#"]').click(function(event) {

        // Prevent from default action to intitiate

        // The id of the section we want to go to
        var anchorId = $(this).attr('href');

        // Our scroll target : the top position of the section that has the id referenced by our href
        var target = $(anchorId).offset().top - offset;

        $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: target }, 500, function () {
            window.location.hash = anchorId;

        return false;

To add active class on click is simple using jQuery. 使用jQuery在click添加active类很简单。 You just need this code in the click handler 您只需在点击处理程序中使用此代码

//remove active from all anchor and add it to the clicked anchor
        $('#primary-navwrapper li a[href^="#"]').removeClass("active")

And for the scroll part you need to monitor the position of the scroll bar and compare it with every page offset like so 对于滚动部分,您需要监视滚动条的位置并将其与每个页面偏移量进行比较,如下所示

//check the pages when scroll event occurs
    // Get the current vertical position of the scroll bar
    position = $(this).scrollTop();
    $('#primary-navwrapper li a[href^="#"]').each(function(){
          var anchorId = $(this).attr('href'); 
           var target = $(anchorId).offset().top - offset;
           // check if the document has crossed the page
             //remove active from all anchor and add it to the clicked anchor
            $('#primary-navwrapper li a[href^="#"]').removeClass("active")

Here is a demo http://jsfiddle.net/k5afwfva/ 这是一个演示http://jsfiddle.net/k5afwfva/

    <a href="#" class="item">item</a>
    <a href="#" class="item">item</a>
    <a href="#" class="item">item</a>
    <a href="#" class="item">item</a>

var el = $(".item"),
    yPos = 0;



    yPos = $(this).scrollTop();

    //i'm almost sure that you will need to calculate offset of your section to know when to switch classes

    if(yPos > 100){
    if(yPos > 200){

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