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[英]How to take a string and return a list of all the words in a dictionary that differ from this word by exactly one letter?

So right now I'm working with a very long dictionary of words from AZ. 因此,现在我正在处理来自AZ的非常长的单词词典。 With this dictionary I'm trying to create a function that takes a string as a parameter and returns all words within that dictionary that are one letter different at any point. 使用这个字典,我试图创建一个函数,该函数将字符串作为参数,并返回该字典中所有在任何时候都不同一个字母的单词。 Eg. 例如。

>>> oneLetterDiff('find')
    ['bind', 'kind', 'lind', 'mind', 'rind', 'wind', 'fend', 'fond', 'fund', 'fine', 'fink', 'finn', 'fins']
    >>> words=oneLetterDiff('hand')
    >>> print words
    ['band', 'land', 'rand', 'sand', 'wand', 'hard', 'hang', 'hank', 'hans']
    >>> oneLetterDiff('horse')
    ['morse', 'norse', 'worse', 'house', 'horde', 'horst']
    >>> oneLetterDiff('monkey')
    >>> oneLetterDiff('action')

I've imported a separate function which is working perfectly at the moment I've called WordLookup. 我已经导入了一个单独的函数,该函数在调用WordLookup的同时可以正常工作。 It looks like this: 看起来像这样:

def createDictionary():
    Creates a global dict of all the words in the word file.
    Every word from the word list file because a key in the dict.
    Each word maps to the value None.  This is because all we care about
    is whether a given word is in the dict.

    global wordList # Specifies that wordList will not go away at the end
                    # of this function call and that other functions may
                    # use it
    wordList = dict()
    wordFile = open('WordList.txt')
    for word in wordFile:
        word = word.strip() # remove leading or trailing spaces
        # map the word to an arbitrary value that doesn't take much
        # space; we'll just be asking "in" questions of the dict
        wordList[word] = None 

def lookup(word):
    global wordList # states that the function is using this global variable
    return word in wordList

Following this code I have the actual oneLetterDiff function: 按照此代码,我有实际的oneLetterDiff函数:

def oneLetterDiff(myString):
        theAlphabet = string.ascii_lowercase
        for i in myString:
            for j in theAlphabet:
                #Maybe try to see if the letters can be changed in this fashion?

Is anyone able to help me understand this a bit better? 有谁能够帮助我更好地理解这一点? I've really been struggling to figure out a proper solution and any help is appreciated! 我一直在努力寻找适当的解决方案,我们将为您提供任何帮助!

I guess you shouldn't reinvent the wheel. 我想你不应该重新发明轮子。 There is a good python library that implements the Levenstein distance metric. 有一个很好的python ,可以实现Levenstein距离度量。 I think you'll find it useful. 我认为您会发现它很有用。

Let's define a utility function called close_enough . 让我们定义一个称为close_enough的实用程序函数。 It takes two words and returns True if the words have the same length and differ by one and only one letter: 它需要两个单词,并且如果单词的长度相同且相差一个且只有一个字母,则返回True

def close_enough(word1, word2):
    return len(word1) == len(word2) and 1 == sum(x!=y for x,y in zip(word1, word2))

Next, we need a function to search through the word list, called wordlist , and select the words that are close_enough (differ by one letter). 接下来,我们需要一个功能通过单词列表,称为搜索wordlist ,并选择是的话close_enough (由一个字母不同)。 Here is a function to do that. 这是执行此操作的功能。 It takes two arguments: the word to compare against, called myword and the wordlist : 它有两个参数:要比较的wordlist mywordwordlist

def one_letter_diff(myword, wordlist)
    return [word for word in wordlist if close_enough(word, myword)]

If you prefer, we could make wordlist a global: 如果您愿意,我们可以将wordlist全局:

def one_letter_diff2(myword):
    # Uses global wordlist
    return [word for word in wordlist if close_enough(word, myword)]

Generally, though, program logic is easier to understand if globals are avoided. 但是,通常,如果避免使用全局变量,则程序逻辑更容易理解。

Examples 例子

Here is close_enough in action finding which words differ by one letter and which don't: 这是close_enough动作,可以找出哪些单词相差一个字母,哪些没有:

In [22]: close_enough('hand', 'land')
Out[22]: True

In [23]: close_enough('hand', 'lend')
Out[23]: False

Here is one_letter_diff in action looking for words in wordlist that differ by one letter from hand : 这是one_letter_diff操作中的one_letter_diff ,用于查找wordlist中与hand相差一个字母的wordlist

In [26]: one_letter_diff('hand', ['land', 'melt', 'cat', 'hane'])
Out[26]: ['land', 'hane']

How it works 这个怎么运作

Let's look first at close_enough . 首先让我们看一下close_enough It returns True if two conditions are satisfied. 如果满足两个条件,则返回True。 The first is that the words have the same length: 首先是单词的长度相同:

len(word1) == len(word2) 

The second is that they differ by only one letter: 第二个区别是它们仅相差一个字母:

1 == sum(x!=y for x,y in zip(word1, word2))

Let's break that down into parts. 让我们将其分解为几个部分。 This returns True for every letter that differs: 对于每个不同的字母,它返回True:

[x!=y for x,y in zip(word1, word2)]

For example: 例如:

In [37]: [x!=y for x,y in zip('hand', 'land')]
Out[37]: [True, False, False, False]

sum is used to count the number of letters that differ. sum用于计算不同字母的数量。

In [38]: sum(x!=y for x,y in zip('hand', 'land'))
Out[38]: 1

If that sum is one, then the condition is satisfied. 如果该总和为1,则满足条件。

The command in one_letter_diff is a _list comprehension`: one_letter_diff的命令是_list理解`:

[word for word in wordlist if close_enough(word, myword)]

It goes through each word in wordlist and includes it in the final list only if close_enough returns True. 仅当 close_enough返回True时,它才会 close_enough wordlist每个wordlist并将其包括在最终列表中。


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