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[英]Cannot get Image Data from a canvas

The following function should get image data (using context.getImageData() from an exisitng canvas, containing an image (already loaded on the webpage), and a second canvas that is not shown on the page. 以下函数应从存在的画布上获取图像数据(使用context.getImageData() ,其中包含图像(已加载到网页上)和第二个未显示在页面上的画布。

The first canvas' data is "got"as expected, and alert(data1.data.length) pops up with a reasonable number. 如预期的那样,第一个画布的数据将“获得”,并且将弹出alert(data1.data.length) ,并显示一个合理的数字。 However the second canvas' data is not "got" got, and the function breaks before the alert(data2.data.length); 但是,第二个画布的数据不是“获取”的,并且该函数在alert(data2.data.length);之前中断alert(data2.data.length); line. 线。 That is the only line that does not seem to work in the whole function, and is my problem. 那是似乎不能在整个功能中起作用的唯一一行,这是我的问题。

function operateImage(){

    var operand = new Image();
    var data1, data2;
    //exisiting canvas
    var c =document.getElementById("edit_canvas");
    var ctx=c.getContext("2d");

    var operation = document.getElementById("operation").value;

    //make a new temporary canvas and store the input image
    var hiddenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    var hiddenCtx = hiddenCanvas.getContext('2d');
    operand.src = document.getElementById("operation_image").value; 
    hiddenCanvas.width = operand.width;
    hiddenCanvas.height = operand.height;

    //get image data objects from both canvases
    data1 = ctx.getImageData(0,0,c.width,c.height);
    data2 = hiddenCtx.getImageData(0,0,hiddenCanvas.width,hiddenCanvas.height);

    /*pass the two image data objects to another function for processing*/

After the function gets the image data it will pass them to another function depending on the operation value. 函数获取图像数据后,它将根据操作值将它们传递给另一个函数。 (which will AND, OR, XOR, or NOT the contents of the pixel data arrays together) (它将AND,OR,XOR或NOT像素数据数组的内容放在一起)

Edit: This is an error message I get: " Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'getImageData' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data." 编辑:这是一条错误消息,我得到:“ Uncaught SecurityError:无法在'CanvasRenderingContext2D'上执行'getImageData':画布已被跨域数据污染。”

There is nothing wrong with your code, but it's failing because the source image (operand.src) is on a different domain, and cross-origin operations are not allowed. 您的代码没有任何问题,但是由于源映像(operand.src)在不同的域上并且不允许跨域操作而失败。 More specifically, you cannot getImageData from a canvas where you have drawn an image with a different origin. 更具体地说,您不能从绘制了不同原点图像的画布上获取ImageData。

Unfortunately there is no solution to this unless you have access to the server where the source image is coming from. 不幸的是,除非您有权访问源映像所在的服务器,否则就没有解决方案。 The server needs to set a HTTP header like this: 服务器需要这样设置HTTP标头:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

And, on the client side, you need to allow cross-origin sources before drawing to your hidden canvas: 并且,在客户端, 绘制到隐藏的画布之前 ,您需要允许跨域源:

operand.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';

Setting these values (* and 'anonymous') completely disables the cross-origin checks, which may not be what you want. 设置这些值(*和'anonymous')将完全禁用跨域检查,这可能不是您想要的。 You could set values that match the specific domain(s) that you want to use. 您可以设置与您要使用的特定域匹配的值。

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