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[英]Python fastest way to read a large number of small files into memory?

I'm trying to read a few thousands html files stored on disk. 我正在尝试读取存储在磁盘上的几千个html文件。

Is there any way to do better than; 有什么方法可以做得更好;

for files in os.listdir('.'):
    if files.endswith('.html') :
        with (open) files as f:
            #do more stuffs

For a similar problem I have used this simple piece of code: 对于类似的问题,我使用了这段简单的代码:

import glob
for file in glob.iglob("*.html"):
    with open(file) as f:
        a = f.read()

iglob doesn't stores all file simultaneously, this is perfect with a huge directory. iglob不会同时存储所有文件,这对于一个庞大的目录来说是完美的。
Remenber to close files after you have finished, the construct "with-open" make sure for you. 完成后关闭文件的修复程序, “with-open”构造确保为您服务。

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