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LINQ Xelement当子节点存在时返回null

[英]LINQ Xelement Returns null when child node exist

I have a XML file like this and I want to read the ID, shortname, Name node value. 我有一个像这样的XML文件,我想读取ID,短名称,名称节点值。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<AccountingUnitList xmlns="http://www.google.com">

what is the best way to read the Node element recursively? 递归读取Node元素的最佳方法是什么?

This is how I am trying to read the Node value: 这就是我尝试读取Node值的方法:

var accountingunit = ( 
                from e in XDocument.Parse(textresult).Root.Elements("AccountingUnit")
                select new node
                     idvalue = (string)e.Element("ID"),
                     shortname =(string)e.Element("ShortName"),
                     name = (string)e.Element("Name"),


            foreach(var unit in accountingunit)
               Console.WriteLine("ID"+ unit.idvalue + unit.name + unit.shortname);

Here is the node consructor: 这是节点consructor:

public class node
    public string idvalue { get; set; }
    public string shortname { get; set; }
    public string name { get; set; }

You have an xml namespace in your document.All the child elements of AccountingUnitList inherits the namespace so you need to specify it via element name: 你在你的document.all XML命名空间的子元素AccountingUnitList继承了命名空间,所以你需要通过元素名称来指定它:

XNamespace ns = "http://www.google.com";

var accountingunit = ( 
            from e in XDocument.Parse(textresult).Elements(ns + "AccountingUnit")
            select new node
                 idvalue = (string)e.Element(ns + "ID"),
                 shortname =(string)e.Element(ns + "ShortName"),
                 name = (string)e.Element(ns + "Name"),


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