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如何使用命令行 (cmd/batch) 解析 XML 文件

[英]How to parse a XML file with Command Line (cmd/batch)

I have a XML file Testing.Config with the following content:我有一个 XML 文件Testing.Config具有以下内容:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add name="name1" connectionString="user id=id1;password=password1;"/>
    <add name="name2" connectionString="user id=id2;password=password2;"/>
    <add name="name3" connectionString="user id=id3;password=password3;"/>

I need parse this file and obtain id and password key-value pairs in an attribute of a particular tag identified by the provided attribute, for example "name=name1" .我需要解析此文件并在由提供的属性标识的特定标记的属性中获取idpassword键值对,例如"name=name1"





@echo off

set "xml_file=test.xml"
set /p search_for=Enter name:

for /f "skip=2 tokens=3,9 delims=;= " %%a in ('find """%search_for%""" "%xml_file%"') do (

    set "name=%%~a"
    set "pass=%%b"

echo name : %name%
echo pass : %pass%

If all connectionStrings are on separated lines and every string is on one line.Change the location of the xml_file 如果所有connectionStrings都在分隔的行上,并且每个字符串都在一行上。更改xml_file的位置

You can also try the xpath.bat (better option according to me) -small script that will allow you to get a xml values by xpath expression without using external binaries: 您也可以尝试使用xpath.bat (根据我的更好选项)-small脚本,它允许您通过xpath表达式获取xml值,而无需使用外部二进制文件:

call xpath.bat connection.xml "//add[@name = 'name1']/@connectionString"

Since you indicated (in comments on the question) that powershell is also okay, put the following code in a script file (lets say Foo.ps1 ) 既然你(在问题的评论中)指出powershell也没关系,请将以下代码放在脚本文件中(假设为Foo.ps1

    [string] $ConfigFilePath,

    [string] $Name

([xml](Get-Content -LiteralPath $ConfigFilePath)).connectionStrings.add |
Where-Object {$_.name -eq $name} |
ForEach-Object {($_.connectionString -split ' ')[1] -split ';'}

and then run the script with parameters to get the output. 然后使用参数运行脚本以获取输出。

In case someone comes looking for this like I did... the xpath.bat linked by npocmaka works great, but not for file one network paths eg \server\foo\bar.xml.万一有人像我一样寻找这个......由npocmaka链接的xpath.bat效果很好,但不适用于文件一网络路径,例如\server\foo\bar.xml。 And I couldn't get Vikus's PS script to work for attributes.而且我无法让 Vikus 的 PS 脚本用于属性。 So... I managed to turn Vikus's PS into this:所以...我设法将 Vikus 的 PS 变成了这样:

    [string] $XMLFile,
    [string] $Xpath
[xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path $XMLFile
$value = Select-XML -xml $xml -xpath $Xpath

Which I then collapsed to this for use in a.cmd file:然后我将其折叠到此以用于 a.cmd 文件:

set psc="(Select-XML -xml ([xml](Get-Content -Path %xmlfile%)) -xpath %xpath%).ToString()"
for /f %%a in ('powershell %psc%') do set myvar=%%a

Though it's worth noting that neither %xmlfile% nor %xpath% can have spaces.尽管值得注意的是 %xmlfile% 和 %xpath% 都不能有空格。 That requires escaping all the parentheses so that the powershell command doesn't have to be wrapped in double quotes:这需要 escaping 所有括号,以便 powershell 命令不必用双引号括起来:

for /F %a in ('powershell ^(Select-XML -xml ^([xml]^(Get-Content -Path "test.xml"^)^) -xpath "/Computers/Computer/Name/@id"^).ToString^(^)') do @echo %a

FWIW, they're all markedly slower that my original fragile monster: FWIW,它们都比我原来脆弱的怪物慢得多:

@for /F eol^=^#^tokens^=2^,5^,7^ delims^=^<^>^" %%i in (%xmlfile%) do @(
    @if "%targetnodename% ATTR1=" == "%%i" (
        set myvar1=%%j
        set myvar1=%%k

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