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[英]+ operator in Javascript

So I've noticed that the result of 所以我注意到了结果

(new Date())

is a Date object; 是一个Date对象; in this case 在这种情况下

Date {Thu Dec 04 2014 22:43:07 GMT+0200 (SAST)}

but if I type 但如果我输入

+(new Date())

I get an int value; 我得到一个int值;


How is this done? 这是怎么做到的?

I have a function called 'Duration' which, when used like this: 我有一个名为'Duration'的函数,当这样使用时:

new Duration(352510921)

returns an instance looking like this: 返回一个如下所示的实例:

{ days:5, hours:3, mins:55, secs:10, ms:921 }    

So how can I use the + operator to get the int value of the Duration instance? 那么如何使用+运算符来获取Duration实例的int值?

var dur = new Duration(352510921);
console.log(+dur) // prints int value 352510921

The unary + operator casts the instance to a Number in the same way that calling the Number() function will cast a variable to a Number . 一元+运算符将实例转换为Number ,就像调用Number()函数将变量转换为Number

If you'd like to override how your specific instance is cast, you need to override the valueOf property for that instance: 如果您想覆盖特定实例的转换方式,则需要覆盖该实例的valueOf属性:

var a = {
    valueOf: function () {
        return 5;
console.log(a); //Object { valueOf: function () {...} }
console.log(+a); //5

From the ES5 standard : ES5标准

11.4.6 Unary + Operator # Ⓣ Ⓡ Ⓖ 11.4.6一元+算子#ⓉⓇⒼ

The unary + operator converts its operand to Number type. 一元+运算符将其操作数转换为数字类型。

The production UnaryExpression : + UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows: 生产UnaryExpression:+ UnaryExpression的计算方法如下:

  1. Let expr be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression. 设expr是评估UnaryExpression的结果。
  2. Return ToNumber ( GetValue (expr)). 返回ToNumberGetValue (expr))。

ToNumber on an Object will then result in a ToPrimitive with hint Number. 然后,对象上的ToNumberToPrimitive带有提示号的ToPrimitive ToPrimitive will then call the [[DefaultValue]] internal method which states: 然后ToPrimitive将调用[[DefaultValue]]内部方法,该方法指出:

When the [[DefaultValue]] internal method of O is called with hint Number, the following steps are taken: 当使用提示号调用O的[[DefaultValue]]内部方法时,将执行以下步骤:

  1. Let valueOf be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of object O with argument "valueOf". 设valueOf是使用参数“valueOf”调用对象O的[[Get]]内部方法的结果。
  2. If IsCallable(valueOf) is true then, 如果IsCallable(valueOf)为真,那么,
    1. Let val be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of valueOf, with O as the this value and an empty argument list. 设val是调用valueOf的[[Call]]内部方法的结果,其中O为此值和空参数列表。
    2. If val is a primitive value, return val. 如果val是原始值,则返回val。
  3. Let toString be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of object O with argument "toString". 设toString是使用参数“toString”调用对象O的[[Get]]内部方法的结果。
  4. If IsCallable(toString) is true then, 如果IsCallable(toString)为真,那么,
    1. Let str be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of toString, with O as the this value and an empty argument list. 令str为调用toString的[[Call]]内部方法的结果,其中O为此值,且为空参数列表。
    2. If str is a primitive value, return str. 如果str是原始值,则返回str。
  5. Throw a TypeError exception. 抛出TypeError异常。

You can override valueOf . 您可以覆盖valueOf

> var foo = { days:5, hours:3, mins:55, secs:10, ms:921, valueOf: function() { return 1; }  }   
> -foo

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