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[英]this operator in javascript

Suppose I have JavaScript code like 假设我有类似的JavaScript代码

      myClass = function(){
          function doSomething(){
              alert(this); // this1 
      alert(this); //this2

What those two 'this' objects are refer for?? 这两个'这个'对象是指什么?

The this value in the global execution context, refers to the global object, eg: 全局执行上下文中的this值指的是全局对象,例如:

this === window; // true

For Function Code, it really depends on how do you invoke the function, for example, the this value is implicitly set when: 对于函数代码,它实际上取决于您如何调用该函数,例如,在this情况下隐式设置this值:

Calling a function with no base object reference : 调用没有基础对象引用的函数


The this value will also refer to the global object. this值也将引用全局对象。

Calling a function bound as a property of an object : 调用绑定为对象属性的函数


The this value will refer to obj . this值将引用obj

Using the new operator : 使用new运算符

new MyFunc();

The this value will refer to a newly created object that inherits from MyFunc.prototype . this值将引用从MyFunc.prototype继承的新创建的对象。

Also, you can set explicitly that value when you invoke a function, using either the call or apply methods, for example: 此外,您可以使用callapply方法在call函数时显式设置该值,例如:

function test(arg) {
  alert(this + arg);
test.call("Hello", " world!"); // will alert "Hello World!"

The difference between call and apply is that with apply , you can pass correctly any number of arguments, using an Array or an arguments object, eg: callapply之间的区别在于,使用apply ,你可以使用Array或arguments对象正确传递任意数量的参数,例如:

function sum() {
  var result = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    result += arguments[i];
  return result;

var args = [1,2,3,4];
sum.apply(null, args); // 10

// equivalent to call
sum(1,2,3,4); // 10

If the first argument value of call or apply is null or undefined , the this value will refer to the global object. 如果callapply的第一个参数值为nullundefined ,则this值将引用全局对象。

(note that this will change in the future, with ECMAScript 5, where call and apply pass the thisArg value without modification) (请注意,将来会改变,使用ECMAScript 5,其中callapply传递thisArg值而不进行修改)

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