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Windows Azure移动服务使用.Net App和HTML / JavaScript推送通知

[英]Windows Azure Mobile Services Push Notifications with .Net App and Html/JavaScript

I can not find any examples using Windows Azure Mobile services that create the push notification itself in ac# server based app, and the notification itself is serviced in a browser based JavaScript client app (like AngularJS). 我找不到使用Windows Azure Mobile服务在基于ac#服务器的应用程序中创建推送通知本身的任何示例,并且该通知本身在基于浏览器的JavaScript客户端应用程序(例如AngularJS)中提供。

I thought there use to be a sample in the azure portal of this scenario but the only sample I see now is simply todo list item table insertion. 我认为在此方案的天蓝色门户中曾经有一个示例,但是我现在看到的唯一示例就是todo列表项表的插入。

It's not possible to send push notifications to a browser through Azure Notification Hubs, since push is done through a platform notification service. 由于推送是通过平台通知服务完成的,因此无法通过Azure通知中心将推送通知发送到浏览器。 It might be possible to get notifications with Safari and Chrome since they are a similar format to iOS and Android notifications, but this is not officially supported. Safari和Chrome可能会收到通知,因为它们的格式与iOS和Android通知类似,但是官方不支持此功能。

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