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点x cor按给定方向计算

[英]Point x cor calculate in given direction

Given my position as (x, y) . 鉴于我的职位为(x,y) I wish to calculate the xcor (the x coordinate) for a point whose ycor (the y coordinate)I know. 我希望为我知道其ycor(y坐标)的点计算xcor(x坐标)。 The direction is theta (an angle with the vertical). 方向是theta (与垂直方向成角度)。

xcor = x0 + t * Sin(Theta)
ycor = y0 + t * Cos(Theta)

find t from 2nd equation and use it in 1st equation 从第二个方程中找到t并在第一个方程中使用

(note Cos/Sin exchange, because you mentioned theta as an angle with the vertical (请注意Cos / Sin交换,因为您提到theta是与垂直方向成一个角度

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