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[英]error in SQL syntax, invalid syntax

I have the following query: 我有以下查询:

SELECT s0_.id, s0_.caption, s0_.lowresimageurl, s0_.medresimageurl, s0_.highresimageurl, s0_.price
FROM app_instagram_shop_picture s0_
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_shop s1_ force index (idx_locked_deletedAt)
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_picture_category s2_
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_first_level_category s3_
ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id 
AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s0_.id = s2_.picture_id
AND s2_.first_level_category_id = s3_.id
WHERE (s0_.isShown = 1
AND s1_.id != 32179
AND s1_.expirydate IS NULL
AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s1_.isLocked = 0
AND s1_.owner_id IS NULL 
AND s0_.id != 2598561
AND s0_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s0_.isStyleInspiration = 0 
AND s0_.isLocked = 0 
AND s3_.id = 11 
AND (s0_.deletedAt IS NULL) 
ORDER BY s0_.updated DESC 

for some reason this is causing me an error of following: 由于某种原因,这导致我以下错误:

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE (s0_.isShown = 1
AND s1_.id != 32179
AND s1_.expirydate IS N' at line 10

however, I can't seem to figure out what the issue is.. 但是,我似乎无法弄清楚问题出在哪里。


    SELECT s0_.id, s0_.caption, s0_.lowresimageurl, s0_.medresimageurl, s0_.highresimageurl,                          s0_.price
FROM app_instagram_shop_picture s0_
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_shop s1_ force index (idx_locked_deletedAt)
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_picture_category s2_
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_first_level_category s3_
ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id 
AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s0_.id = s2_.picture_id
AND s2_.first_level_category_id = s3_.id
WHERE s0_.isShown = 1
AND s1_.id != 32179
AND s1_.expirydate IS NULL
AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s1_.isLocked = 0
AND s1_.owner_id IS NULL 
AND s0_.id != 2598561
AND s0_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s0_.isStyleInspiration = 0 
AND s0_.isLocked = 0 
AND s3_.id = 11 

AND s0_.deletedAt IS NULL
ORDER BY s0_.updated DESC 

With JOIN , you need to specify either ON or USING for each table joined to indicate the join relationship. 使用JOIN ,您需要为每个联接表指定ONUSING ,以指示联接关系。

You have 3 LEFT JOINs but only one ON condition. 您有3个LEFT JOINs但只有一个ON条件。 You may have intended this: 您可能打算这样做:

FROM app_instagram_shop_picture s0_
  LEFT JOIN app_instagram_shop s1_ force index (idx_locked_deletedAt)
  ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id 
  AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
  LEFT JOIN app_instagram_picture_category s2_
  ON s0_.id = s2_.picture_id
  LEFT JOIN app_instagram_first_level_category s3_
  ON s2_.first_level_category_id = s3_.id

(Specifying additional predicates in the first ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id will not work for the other join tables) (在第一个ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id指定其他谓词不适用于其他ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id表)

Bracket my causes error please remove bracket and use it 支架我的原因错误,请卸下支架并使用

SELECT s0_.id, s0_.caption, s0_.lowresimageurl, s0_.medresimageurl, s0_.highresimageurl, s0_.price
FROM app_instagram_shop_picture s0_
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_shop s1_ force index (idx_locked_deletedAt)
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_picture_category s2_
LEFT JOIN app_instagram_first_level_category s3_
ON s0_.shop_id = s1_.id 
AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s0_.id = s2_.picture_id
AND s2_.first_level_category_id = s3_.id
WHERE s0_.isShown = 1
AND s1_.id != 32179
AND s1_.expirydate IS NULL
AND s1_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s1_.isLocked = 0
AND s1_.owner_id IS NULL 
AND s0_.id != 2598561
AND s0_.deletedAt IS NULL
AND s0_.isStyleInspiration = 0 
AND s0_.isLocked = 0 
AND s3_.id = 11 

AND (s0_.deletedAt IS NULL) 
ORDER BY s0_.updated DESC 

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