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[英]Compiling OpenCV program and not requiring opencv Installed

I have developed a C++ program that uses OpenCV. 我已经开发了使用OpenCV的C ++程序。 However, when I compile it and try running it into another computer it doesn't run unless I install OpenCV in it and set the environment path to it. 但是,当我编译它并尝试将其运行到另一台计算机上时,除非我在其中安装OpenCV并为其设置环境路径,否则它不会运行。 Is there any way to tackle this and how? 有什么办法解决这个问题以及如何解决?

I'm using Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and the propgram only runs in Windows (since Kinect SDK is also used with it). 我使用的是Visual Studio Ultimate 2013,该程序仅在Windows中运行(因为Kinect SDK也与之一起使用)。 Thanks! 谢谢!

With dynamic linking , make sure to use Dependency Walker (or a similar to tool) to identify which OpenCV DLLs you need to ship along with your executable (you don't need to install the entire OpenCV package). 通过动态链接 ,请确保使用Dependency Walker (或类似的工具)来确定需要随可执行文件一起提供的OpenCV DLL(不需要安装整个OpenCV软件包)。

That's something you don't have to deal with static linking : Using static libraries instead of dynamic libraries in OpenCV 那就是您不必处理静态链接的事情: 在OpenCV中使用静态库而不是动态库

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