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[英]Preorder traversal of a tree

I have implemented a method to do a preorder traversal of a tree, which is not a binary tree. 我实现了一种方法来对树进行预遍历,该树不是二叉树。 Every parent node of this tree has an array of children, so this is the method I am using: 这棵树的每个父节点都有一个子数组,所以这是我正在使用的方法:

void preorderTraversal(TreeNode tree) 
        if (tree == null)

        System.out.print(tree.element + " ");
        for(TreeNode child : tree.childern) // children is an Arraylist

Sample of linking children nodes to parent "tnAA" 将子节点链接到父“ tnAA”的样本

/* Creating Object of class tree*/
    Tree tree = new Tree();
    TreeNode root2 = tree.getRoot();
    /* creating the links between nodes of Tree*/

    ArrayList<TreeNode> AA_children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); 

    tnBB.parent=tnAA; tnCC.parent = tnAA; tnDD.parent = tnAA;

// Tree
            //                 A
            //               / | \
            //              B  C  D
            //             /\  |  
            //            E  F G 

But it only outputs the root node, what's wrong with this method? 但是它仅输出根节点,此方法有什么问题?

Solution: linking children array to each parent : tnAA.setChildern(AA_childern); 解决方案:将子级数组链接到每个父级 :tnAA.setChildern(AA_childern);

You never add anything to any node's childern list. 您永远不会在任何节点的childern列表中添加任何内容。 You create an ArrayList called AA_childern , but it is not connected to the tree, and the tree doesn't know or care that it exists. 您创建了一个名为AA_childern的ArrayList,但它没有连接到树上,并且树不知道或不在乎它的存在。 Those child nodes need to be added to tnAA.childern . 这些子节点需要添加到tnAA.childern

PS The correct spelling is 'child re n'. PS正确的拼写是'child re n'。

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