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[英]Auto-Renewable Subscription in iOS app

The company I work for has a lot of education apps in the app store (SAT Prep, ACT Prep, GRE Prep, etc...). 我工作的公司在应用商店中有很多教育应用(SAT备考,ACT备考,GRE备考等)。 The current business model is the user downloads the app for free with a handful of sample questions, and is given the option to buy 6 months of access to all the questions, a year, or lifetime. 当前的商业模式是,用户可以免费下载带有一些示例问题的应用程序,还可以选择购买6个月的访问权限(一年或终身)。

we want to make the 6 month & 1 year options auto-renewable... is this possible? 我们要使6个月和1年的选项可以自动更新...这可能吗? from what I've read apple really only allows auto-renewable subscriptions on newsstand apps, but we want to try to submit it anyway. 从我阅读的内容来看,苹果确实只允许在报亭应用程序上进行自动续订订阅,但无论如何我们都想尝试提交。 Would this be achieved by changing the in app purchase setting in itunes connect from non recurring to recurring? 是否可以通过将iTunes连接中的应用内购买设置从非重复更改为重复来实现? and/or would i have to change the code in some places? 和/或我是否必须在某些地方更改代码?

Thanks guys 多谢你们

Looking here - In App Purchase guide lines + having the same experience I think you might get rejection for using Auto Renewable products in your app. 在这里寻找- 在“应用购买指南”中 +具有相同的经验,我认为您可能会因在应用中使用自动更新产品而遭到拒绝。 Saying that I think that apple guide lines for product types are not 100% clear, and you can definitely try to submit. 说我认为关于产品类型的苹果指导方针不是100%明确的,您绝对可以尝试提交。 I had examples where one reviewer rejected the app claiming for wrong product type but the second approved it with out any changes. 我举了一个例子,其中一位审阅者拒绝了该应用声称产品类型错误,但第二位审阅者未进行任何更改就批准了该应用。

But, if you will get rejected - 但是,如果您会被拒绝-

  1. You will have to create new products, as you can not change product type + if your product list is coded locally on the app you will have to update the list. 您将必须创建新产品,因为您不能更改产品类型+,如果您的产品列表是在应用程序上本地编码的,则必须更新列表。
  2. I am almost sure that auto renewable have a different restore mechanism so you will have to change that too. 我几乎可以肯定,汽车可再生能源具有不同的还原机制,因此您也必须对此进行更改。

Hope it helps 希望能帮助到你

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