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[英]iOS: In App Auto-Renewable Subscription error while purchase

I have successfully implemented the in app purchases for consumable products. 我已经成功实现了易耗品的应用内购买。 And it is working great. 而且效果很好。

Now i'm getting "Can't connect to iTunes store" when i'm trying to confirm the auto- renewable subscription. 现在,当我尝试确认自动续订订阅时,出现“无法连接到iTunes商店”的提示。 Is there anything special that we should do for the subscriptions. 订阅有什么特别的事情吗?

Checklist that i have already gone through and verified several times 我已经通过并核实过几次的清单

  • Tax, agreements are all set 税,协议都已设定
  • Localization is all set i believe 我相信本地化已经准备就绪
  • Price tier is set 价格等级已设定
  • Tried new sandbox user with multiple territories (UK & Pakistan). 尝试了具有多个地区(英国和巴基斯坦)的新沙盒用户。 Store is pakistani right now. 商店现在是巴基斯坦。

Found the solution after a lot of hit and try. 经过反复尝试后找到了解决方案。 I was missing period of subscription on iTunes connect. 我错过了iTunes Connect上的订阅期

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