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Laravel 4软件包配置文件

[英]Laravel 4 package config file

I developed a laravel 4 package that backs up mysql database and pushed to github and packagist. 我开发了一个laravel 4程序包,用于备份mysql数据库并将其推送到github和packagist。 When I pull the package on another laravel installation, all works fine. 当我在另一个laravel安装上拉包装时,一切正常。 I publish the config file of the package with no problems, however when I try override some of the configuration in the published config file, the package still uses the original config file in the vendor, it does not look at the published config file. 我没有问题地发布了程序包的配置文件,但是,当我尝试覆盖已发布的配置文件中的某些配置时,程序包仍然使用供应商中的原始配置文件,而不会查看已发布的配置文件。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

Vendor/rafia/db-backup/src/Rafia/DbBackup/backupdatabase.php 供应商/ rafia / DB-备份/ SRC / Rafia / DBBACKUP / backupdatabase.php


namespace Rafia\DbBackup;
use Config;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
class BackupDatabase {
 * @var
private $filesystem;
 * @param Filesystem $filesystem
public function __construct(Filesystem $filesystem)
    $this->filesystem = $filesystem;
public function backup()
    if($this->runBackup() == 0)
        return true;
    return false;
private function DbBackupFolder()
        return $this->filesystem->makeDirectory(Config::get('DbBackup::DbBackupPath'));
    return true;
private function runBackup()
    $output = array();
    $return_var = NULL;
    $command = Config::get('DbBackup::DbMysqlDumpPath')." --opt --host=".Config::get('DbBackup::DbHost')." --user=".Config::get('DbBackup::DbUser')." --password=".Config::get('DbBackup::DbPass')." ".Config::get('DbBackup::DbName')." > ".Config::get('DbBackup::DbBackupPath')."/".Config::get('DbBackup::DbName')."_".date('m_d_y_g-i-a').".sql";
    $run = exec($command, $output, $return_var);
    return $return_var;

Vendor/rafia/db-backup/src/Rafia/DbBackup/DbBackupServiceProvider.php 供应商/ rafia / DB-备份/ SRC / Rafia / DBBACKUP / DbBackupServiceProvider.php

<?php namespace Rafia\DbBackup;

use Illuminate\Foundation\AliasLoader;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class DbBackupServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

 * Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
 * @var bool
protected $defer = false;

 * Register the service provider.
 * @return void
public function register()
    $this->app['BackupDatabase'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
        $filesystem = $this->app->make('Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem');
        return new BackupDatabase($filesystem);

        AliasLoader::getInstance()->alias('BackupDatabase', 'Rafia\DbBackup\Facades\BackupDatabaseFacade');

public function boot()


 * Get the services provided by the provider.
 * @return array
public function provides()
    return array();


Vendor/rafia/db-backup/src/config/config.php 供应商/ rafia / DB-备份/ SRC /配置/ config.php中


return [
'DbName' => 'packages',
'DbUser' => 'root',
'DbPass' => '',
'DbHost' => 'localhost',
'DbMysqlDumpPath' => 'C:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump',
'DbBackupPath' => app_path().'/storage/DbBackup'

Vendor/rafia/db-backup/src/Rafia/DbBackup/Facades/BackupDatabaseFacade.php 供应商/ rafia / DB-备份/ SRC / Rafia / DBBACKUP /墙面/ BackupDatabaseFacade.php


namespace Rafia\DbBackup\Facades;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;

class BackupDatabaseFacade extends Facade {

protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'BackupDatabase'; }


Thank you in advance for your help 预先感谢您的帮助

In your service provider definition add: 在您的服务提供商定义中添加:

public function boot() {
    $this->package('vendor/name', 'namespace');

public function register() {
    $loader = $this->app['config']->getLoader();

    // Get environment name
    $env = $this->app['config']->getEnvironment();

    // Add package namespace with path set, override package if app config exists in the main app directory
    if (file_exists(app_path() . '/config/packages/vendor/namespace')) {
        $loader->addNamespace('namespace', app_path() . '/config/packages/vendor/namespace');
    } else {
        $loader->addNamespace('namespace', __DIR__ . '/../../config');

    $config = $loader->load($env, 'config', 'namespace');

    $this->app['config']->set('namespace::config', $config);


This is the article where i have found the solution 这是我找到解决方案的文章

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