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[英]PHP absolute relative URL issue during site migration

I am migrating my PHP files to a new server. 我正在将PHP文件迁移到新服务器。 On the old server, I have used absolute URLs in my require_once and include_once directives. 在旧服务器上,我在我的require_onceinclude_once指令中使用了绝对URL。 To be clearer, the absolute URLs specify the location from where index.html is stored. 为了更清楚,绝对URL指定了index.html的存储位置。

However, the new server requires relative URLs. 但是,新服务器需要相对URL。 So if A.php requires to include B.php , the relative path to B.php from A must be specified. 因此,如果A.php要求包含B.php ,则必须指定从AB.php的相对路径。

Is there a setting in php.ini which enforces the PHP interpreter to accept absolute URLs? php.ini是否有设置可强制PHP解释器接受绝对URL?

No there is not. 不,那里没有。 If You set path to var/www/something.php it is relative, if You set path to /var/www/something.php (or C:\\\\var\\\\www\\\\something.php in windows) it is absolute 如果将路径设置为var/www/something.php是相对的,则如果将路径设置为/var/www/something.php (或Windows中的C:\\\\var\\\\www\\\\something.php ),则是绝对的

There is a way of configuring your new server to accept your URLs as relative to index.html . 有一种方法可以配置新服务器以接受相对于index.html URL。

You are looking for a directive include_path in your php.ini . 您正在php.ini中寻找指令include_path The solution is to create php.ini file in the same directory with index.html (in the root directory of your site) and set: 解决方案是在与index.html相同的目录中(在网站的根目录中)创建php.ini文件并设置:


Then, all the include and require instructions will try to search the file in the specified directory first. 然后,所有includerequire说明将首先尝试在指定目录中搜​​索文件。

Here is the documentation for this directive: http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.include-path 这是此指令的文档: http : //php.net/manual/zh/ini.core.php#ini.include-path

Note that not all hosting providers will let you use your own php.ini file. 请注意,并非所有托管服务提供商都将允许您使用自己的php.ini文件。 I mean, sometimes that new php.ini is just ignored. 我的意思是,有时只是忽略了新的php.ini Then, you will need to find a way of changing the original php.ini 然后,您将需要找到一种更改原始php.ini

Other way is using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] constant: 另一种方法是使用$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']常量:

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/file.php'; 

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