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PHP 7.2中的Drupal 6网站迁移问题

[英]Drupal 6 site migration issue in PHP 7.2

We have a web server with Ubuntu 12.04. 我们有一个使用Ubuntu 12.04的Web服务器。 we are running a drupal website in this server and we used PHP 5.3 on this server. 我们正在此服务器上运行一个drupal网站,并且在此服务器上使用了PHP 5.3。

As part of server migration, I am planning to up a new Ubuntu 16.04 server with latest PHP 7.2, After migrating above specified Drupal application into it, We are getting a white screen when we try to access this site.Our developer says that it is because of some of the drupal core functionality is not working with new PHP 7.2, because some of the functionality that used D6 is deprecated in Latest PHP. 作为服务器迁移的一部分,我计划使用最新的PHP 7.2来安装新的Ubuntu 16.04服务器,将上述指定的Drupal应用程序迁移到其中之后,尝试访问该站点时会出现白屏。由于某些drupal核心功能无法在新的PHP 7.2中使用,因为在最新的PHP中不推荐使用D6的某些功能。 So we need a Drupal version upgrade to 8. System upgrade to D6 will require more work. 因此,我们需要将Drupal版本升级到8。将系统升级到D6将需要更多的工作。 So can anyone suggest any alternative options other than Drupal version upgrade. 因此,除了Drupal版本升级之外,任何人都可以建议其他替代选项。

Also we are using php memcached in old server, PHP 7.2 is not provided memcached 另外我们在旧服务器中使用php memcached,没有提供PHP 7.2

Even Drupal 7 has issues with PHP 7. The core should work, but lot of 3rd party modules won't and I wouldn't recommend running Drupal 7 site on PHP 7. 甚至Drupal 7在PHP 7上也有问题。该内核应该可以工作,但是许多第三方模块都不能使用,我也不建议在PHP 7上运行Drupal 7网站。

For Drupal 6 situation is most likely even worse so if you don't want to end up patching manually large number of modules and D6 core I would advise you not to do this. 对于Drupal 6,情况最有可能更糟,因此,如果您不想最终手动修补大量模块和D6内核,我建议您不要这样做。 Try to provide older PHP version or this can easy become never ending nightmare. 尝试提供较旧的PHP版本,否则这很容易变成永无止境的噩梦。

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