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将div的innerHTML设置为从MySQL数据库检索到的信息(使用AJAX / PHP)?

[英]Setting the innerHTML of a div to information retrieved from a MySQL database (using AJAX/PHP)?

On my page (index.php), I have a content-editable div with id = "name" and a content-editable div with id = "info". 在我的页面(index.php)上,我有一个ID为“ name”的内容可编辑div和一个ID为“ info”的内容可编辑div。 I also have a button with id = "save" and a button with id = "lookUp". 我也有一个ID =“ save”的按钮和一个ID =“ lookUp”的按钮。

in index.php : index.php中

<p> <div> Name: </div> <div id="name" contenteditable="true"> </div> </p>
<p> <div> Info: </div> <div id="info" contenteditable="true"> </div> </p>

    <button id="save" type="button" style="float: left;" class="buttonText"> Save </button>
    <button id="lookUp" type="button" style="float: left;" class="buttonText"> Look Up </button>

I would like the page to be able to do two things: 我希望页面能够执行以下两项操作:

1) If the user clicks the 'Save' button and both content-editable divs are filled, the name and info entered into the content-editable divs by the user are saved to a two-column table (columns: "name" and "info") in a local MySQL database. 1)如果用户单击“保存”按钮,并且两个内容可编辑的div均被填充,则用户在内容可编辑的div中输入的名称和信息将保存到两列表格中(列:“名称”和“ info”)在本地MySQL数据库中。 I have already implemented this functionality with AJAX/PHP, and it works without error. 我已经使用AJAX / PHP 实现了此功能 ,并且可以正常工作。

2) If the user clicks the 'Look Up' button, then I would like the text entered into the content-editable div with id = "name" (the innerHTML of the name div) to be looked up in the database. 2)如果用户单击“查找”按钮,那么我希望在数据库中查找输入到内容可编辑div中且ID为“ name”(name div的innerHTML)的文本。 If the name is found, I would like the site to retrieve the text stored in the corresponding entry's 'info' column and enter it into the content-editable div with id = "info" (set the innerHTML of the 'info' div to the retrieved info). 如果找到了名称,我希望该站点检索存储在相应条目的“ info”列中的文本,并将其输入到id =“ info”的内容可编辑div中(将'info'div的innerHTML设置为检索到的信息)。

So far I have partially implemented 2) with the following code: 到目前为止,我已经使用以下代码部分实现了2)

in index.php : index.php中

<script type="text/javascript">
            $name = $('#name').html();
            $info = $('#info').html();

              url: 'lookup.php', type: 'post', data: {nameSubmit: $name}, datatype: 'html', success: function(rsp){alert(rsp);}

in lookup.php : lookup.php中


    $name = $_POST['nameSubmit'];
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);

    $connect = mysql_connect( "localhost", "localUserName", "localPassword", "" );
    $selectedDB = mysql_select_db("nameInfoDatabase", $connect);

    $lookup = "SELECT * FROM nameInfoTable";
    $lookupResults = mysql_query( $lookup, $connect );

    $nameFound = FALSE;

    while($record = mysql_fetch_array($lookupResults))
        if( $record['name'] == $name )
            $nameFound = TRUE;
            $info = $record['info'];

    if( $nameFound ){ echo "Account Located.  Info: " . $info; }
    else{ echo "FAILURE: Name not found!"; }

    // NOW WHAT?

After a "Look Up" button-click, the information I want to be saved to the innerHTML of the div with id = "info" in index.php is saved to the variable $info in lookup.php. 单击“查找”按钮后,我要保存到index.php中id =“ info”的div的innerHTML中的信息将保存到lookup.php中的变量$ info中。 This $info is correctly printed (echoed) to the dialogue pop-up, but I want it to be entered into the content-editable, id = "info" div of the index.php page. 此$ info已正确打印(回显)到对话框弹出窗口,但我希望将其输入到index.php页面的内容可编辑的id =“ info” div中。 How do I proceed? 我该如何进行?

I have tried things like echoing lines of javascipt, as is discussed here and here , but I have not been able to get it working with existing StackOverflow Q&As. 我已经尝试过像在这里这里讨论的那样回显javascipt行,但我无法使其与现有的StackOverflow Q&A一起使用。 I am sorry if this question is overly basic or has already been addressed in a way that I did not understand, I am very new to PHP and back-end development. 很抱歉,如果这个问题过于基础或已经以我不理解的方式得到了解决,那么我对PHP和后端开发还是陌生的。

Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助! Jack 插口

To properly use this data with JS you can send it in native JSON format. 要在JS中正确使用此数据,您可以将其以本机JSON格式发送。 lookup.php lookup.php

// here connection and escaping stuff
$lookup = "SELECT * FROM nameInfoTable WHERE name='".$name."' LIMIT 1";
$lookupResults = mysql_query( $lookup, $connect );
// no $nameFound or while loop needed
if (mysql_num_rows($lookupResults) == 1) { // one result obtained
    echo json_encode(mysql_fetch_array($lookupResults)); // fetch and send
else {
    // you can do nothing, just don't send anything and response will be empty
    // that's how you can understand that "name" was not found

in index.php improve youк ajax success function: 在index.php中改善youja ajax成功功能:

success: function (rsp) {
    if (rsp) { // if data not empty
        var data = JSON.parse(rsp); // parse recieved data 
        $('#info').html(data.info); // properties' names are exactly as columns in your table or like query aliases

EDIT Some suggestions that don't really answer your question but may be helpful 编辑一些建议并不能真正回答您的问题,但可能会有所帮助

  1. Try to use mysqli instead of mysql. 尝试使用mysqli代替mysqli It's already deprecated and this a good start to learn object oriented syntax 它已被弃用,这是学习面向对象语法的良好起点

  2. You're escaping post var - it's very good, but you don't check whether it exists neither on client-side (if ($name) { // do ajax request }) nor on back-end if (!empty($_POST['nameSubmit'])) { // do all other stuff } 您正在转义post var-这很好,但是您不检查它是否既不在客户端(if ($name) { // do ajax request })也不在后端if (!empty($_POST['nameSubmit'])) { // do all other stuff }

  3. I don't think you need so much variables, also some coders prefer another style of preparing queries. 我认为您不需要那么多变量,而且一些编码人员更喜欢另一种准备查询的样式。

  4. Actually you need only info from your table, not all * 实际上,您只需要表中的info ,而不是全部*

I'll try to show this all in one piece of code: 我将尝试在一段代码中展示所有这些内容:

if (!empty($_POST['nameSubmit'])) { // check post variable
    // establish connection
    $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "localUserName", "localPassword", "nameInfoDatabase");
    // prepare query, sprintf is a little bit easier to read 
    $query = sprintf("SELECT info FROM nameInfoTable WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nameSubmit']));
    // query, actually you can put sprintf here
    $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    // result will have 0 or 1 in property here
    if ($result->num_rows) {
        // php Array("info"=>"...") will be converted to {"info": "..."} for JS
        echo jscon_encode($result->fetch_assoc());

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