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Setting the innerHTML of a div to information retrieved from a MySQL database (using AJAX/PHP)?

On my page (index.php), I have a content-editable div with id = "name" and a content-editable div with id = "info". I also have a button with id = "save" and a button with id = "lookUp".

in index.php :

<p> <div> Name: </div> <div id="name" contenteditable="true"> </div> </p>
<p> <div> Info: </div> <div id="info" contenteditable="true"> </div> </p>

    <button id="save" type="button" style="float: left;" class="buttonText"> Save </button>
    <button id="lookUp" type="button" style="float: left;" class="buttonText"> Look Up </button>

I would like the page to be able to do two things:

1) If the user clicks the 'Save' button and both content-editable divs are filled, the name and info entered into the content-editable divs by the user are saved to a two-column table (columns: "name" and "info") in a local MySQL database. I have already implemented this functionality with AJAX/PHP, and it works without error.

2) If the user clicks the 'Look Up' button, then I would like the text entered into the content-editable div with id = "name" (the innerHTML of the name div) to be looked up in the database. If the name is found, I would like the site to retrieve the text stored in the corresponding entry's 'info' column and enter it into the content-editable div with id = "info" (set the innerHTML of the 'info' div to the retrieved info).

So far I have partially implemented 2) with the following code:

in index.php :

<script type="text/javascript">
            $name = $('#name').html();
            $info = $('#info').html();

              url: 'lookup.php', type: 'post', data: {nameSubmit: $name}, datatype: 'html', success: function(rsp){alert(rsp);}

in lookup.php :


    $name = $_POST['nameSubmit'];
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);

    $connect = mysql_connect( "localhost", "localUserName", "localPassword", "" );
    $selectedDB = mysql_select_db("nameInfoDatabase", $connect);

    $lookup = "SELECT * FROM nameInfoTable";
    $lookupResults = mysql_query( $lookup, $connect );

    $nameFound = FALSE;

    while($record = mysql_fetch_array($lookupResults))
        if( $record['name'] == $name )
            $nameFound = TRUE;
            $info = $record['info'];

    if( $nameFound ){ echo "Account Located.  Info: " . $info; }
    else{ echo "FAILURE: Name not found!"; }

    // NOW WHAT?

After a "Look Up" button-click, the information I want to be saved to the innerHTML of the div with id = "info" in index.php is saved to the variable $info in lookup.php. This $info is correctly printed (echoed) to the dialogue pop-up, but I want it to be entered into the content-editable, id = "info" div of the index.php page. How do I proceed?

I have tried things like echoing lines of javascipt, as is discussed here and here , but I have not been able to get it working with existing StackOverflow Q&As. I am sorry if this question is overly basic or has already been addressed in a way that I did not understand, I am very new to PHP and back-end development.

Thanks for the help! Jack

To properly use this data with JS you can send it in native JSON format. lookup.php

// here connection and escaping stuff
$lookup = "SELECT * FROM nameInfoTable WHERE name='".$name."' LIMIT 1";
$lookupResults = mysql_query( $lookup, $connect );
// no $nameFound or while loop needed
if (mysql_num_rows($lookupResults) == 1) { // one result obtained
    echo json_encode(mysql_fetch_array($lookupResults)); // fetch and send
else {
    // you can do nothing, just don't send anything and response will be empty
    // that's how you can understand that "name" was not found

in index.php improve youк ajax success function:

success: function (rsp) {
    if (rsp) { // if data not empty
        var data = JSON.parse(rsp); // parse recieved data 
        $('#info').html(data.info); // properties' names are exactly as columns in your table or like query aliases

EDIT Some suggestions that don't really answer your question but may be helpful

  1. Try to use mysqli instead of mysql. It's already deprecated and this a good start to learn object oriented syntax

  2. You're escaping post var - it's very good, but you don't check whether it exists neither on client-side (if ($name) { // do ajax request }) nor on back-end if (!empty($_POST['nameSubmit'])) { // do all other stuff }

  3. I don't think you need so much variables, also some coders prefer another style of preparing queries.

  4. Actually you need only info from your table, not all *

I'll try to show this all in one piece of code:

if (!empty($_POST['nameSubmit'])) { // check post variable
    // establish connection
    $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "localUserName", "localPassword", "nameInfoDatabase");
    // prepare query, sprintf is a little bit easier to read 
    $query = sprintf("SELECT info FROM nameInfoTable WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nameSubmit']));
    // query, actually you can put sprintf here
    $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    // result will have 0 or 1 in property here
    if ($result->num_rows) {
        // php Array("info"=>"...") will be converted to {"info": "..."} for JS
        echo jscon_encode($result->fetch_assoc());

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