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Flatlist not displaying information retrieved from database

I'm trying to display a list of forums the a user has joined into a flatlist, which is firstly retrieved from firestore via an onSnapshot function in my useLayoutEffect as shown below:

useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(userRef, (snapshot) => {
      const joinedForums = [];
      if (snapshot.data().myForums.length > 0) {
        snapshot.get("myForums").forEach((forumDoc) => {
          let docRef = doc(db, "forums", forumDoc);

          getDoc(docRef).then((docInf) => {
              id: docInf.id,


    return () => unsubscribe();
  }, []);

Whenever I load the screen, the flatlist is empty.

Here is the code for my flatlist:

        renderItem={({ item }) => (
            onPress={() => {
              navigation.navigate("ForumDetails", {
                forumId: item.id,
                <Text>Title: {item.title}</Text>
                <Text>Desc: {item.desc}</Text>
                <Text>Created By: {item.createdBy}</Text>
              {/* Maybe add a recent message component onSnapshot for each forum */}
                onPress={() => {

Here is a screenshot of the screen:


After having initially researched on the issue, I discovered that updating a state would cause the flatlist to re-render, so I have tried to manually trigger an update to a separate dummy state through a button which then results for in the flatlist displaying the items correctly.

Here is a screenshot of the screen upon manually updating state: 手动状态更新后

I'm not sure where to tweak my code to get the flatlist to render the items on first load, without having to manually trigger a state change.

You should update the state in onSnapshot after rendering new data retrieved from the snapshot.

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