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[英]PHP calendar skips February

I have looked and haven't found an answer. 我已经看过,但是没有找到答案。

I have a php calendar and when going to next month or previous month fro jan to feb it skips feb and vise versa from march to feb it skips feb. 我有一个php日历,当去下个月或上个月从1月到2月时,它跳过2月,反之亦然,从3月到2月,它跳过了2月。 It does this every 4 years so I know it has to do with leap year but can't seem to find problem. 它每4年执行一次此操作,因此我知道它与leap年有关,但似乎找不到问题。

here is the code: 这是代码:

function goLastMonth(month, year){
if (month == 1) {
month = 13;
document.location.href = "<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?month="+(month-1)+"&year="+year;

function goNextMonth(month, year){
if (month == 12) {
month = 0;
document.location.href = "<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?month="+(month+1)+"&year="+year;



if (isset($_GET['day'])){
$day = $_GET['day'];
$day = date("j");
if (isset($_GET['month'])){
$month = $_GET['month'];
$month = date("n"); 
if (isset($_GET['year'])){
$year = $_GET['year'];
$year = date("Y"); 

// calender variable // 
$currentTimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$day");
$monthName = date("F", $currentTimeStamp);
$numDays = date("t", $currentTimeStamp);
$counter = 0;


<table border='1'>
<td><input style='width:50px;' type='button' value='<' name='previousbutton' onclick="goLastMonth(<?php echo $month.",".$year?>)"></td>
<td colspan='5' align='center'> <?php echo $monthName.", ".$year; ?></td>
<td><input style='width:50px;' type='button' value='>' name='nextbutton' onclick="goNextMonth(<?php echo $month.",".$year?>)"></td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>D</td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>L</td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>M</td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>M</td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>J</td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>V</td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>S</td>
echo "<tr>";
for($i = 1; $i < $numDays+1; $i++, $counter++) { 
$timeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$i");
if ($i == 1) {
$firstDay = date("w", $timeStamp);
for ($j = 0; $j < $firstDay; $j++, $counter++) {
// blank space //
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
if ($counter % 7 == 0 && $counter != 0){
echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "<td align='center'>".$i."</td>";
echo "</tr>";



I suspect your problem is that Javascript treats January as month 0 while PHP treats January as month 1. 我怀疑您的问题是Javascript将1月视为第0个月,而PHP将1月视为第1个月。

I feel like you've flipped this. 我觉得您已经翻转了。

Are you getting your month from javascript or PHP? 您是从JavaScript还是PHP获得收益? If javascript, you should never have month 12. In either case, you should never have month 13. 如果使用JavaScript,则永远不应该有第12个月。无论哪种情况,都绝对不要有第13个月。

Since you said month rather than $month I'm going to assume it's coming from Javascript. 由于您说的是month而不是$month我将假设它来自Javascript。 In that case, I think I would change it like this: 在这种情况下,我想我会这样更改:

function goLastMonth(month, year){
    if (month == 0) {
        month = 11;

... ...

function goNextMonth(month, year){
    if (month == 11) {
        month = 0;

... ...

if (isset($_GET['day'])) {
    $day = $_GET['day'];
} else { 
    $day = date("j");

... ...

$currentTimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$day");

If no explicit day is given, you're taking the current day. 如果没有给出明确的日期,则说明您正在使用当前日期。 Guess what, today is the 30th. 猜猜是什么,今天是30号。 There is no February 30th. 没有2月30日。 You're then basing all your date calculations on this. 然后,您将以此为基础进行所有日期计算。

If you want to make a timestamp for a certain month and then iterate through to the next month, always take the beginning of the month. 如果要为某个月制作时间戳记,然后迭代到下个月,请始终以该月初为准。 January 1st + 1 month is meaningful, January 30th + 1 month is not. 1月1日+ 1个月有意义,1月30日+ 1个月没有意义。

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