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我想在 PHP 中获取 2 月的结束日期

[英]I want to Get end date of February in PHP

I Used <?php $febenddate=date('Y-2-t'); ?>我用<?php $febenddate=date('Y-2-t'); ?> <?php $febenddate=date('Y-2-t'); ?>

But Result is 2021-02-31 , How can i get 2021-02-28 ?但是结果是2021-02-31 ,我怎样才能得到2021-02-28

You can use the function cal_days_in_month()您可以使用 function cal_days_in_month()

You need to provide the month and year for which you need to find the total no of days (or the end date)您需要提供需要查找总天数(或结束日期)的月份和年份

cal_days_in_month (int $calendar, int $month, int $year) : int

In your case:在你的情况下:

echo cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 2, 2021); 

PHP Manual: cal_days_in_monthPHP 手册:cal_days_in_month

You can use DateTime with a relative date expression.您可以将 DateTime 与相对日期表达式一起使用。

$dateTime = date_create('Last Day of February 2021');

To output the date in the desired format:到 output 所需格式的日期:

echo $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');  //2021-02-28

If the year is omitted, February of the current year is used.如果省略年份,则使用当年的二月。

 $dateTime = date_create('Last Day of February');

To get the last day of February of the current year, first make a timestamp for any day in February—for which the 1st of February is a good choice—and get its t value.要获得当年 2 月的最后一天,首先为 2 月的任何一天(2 月 1 日是一个不错的选择)制作时间戳,并获取其t值。 Just writing 2 in your date format string doesn't make it choose the t value of February:仅在您的date格式字符串中写入2并不会使其选择二月的t值:

echo date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 1));

See http://php.net/mktime .请参阅http://php.net/mktime

Try this one:试试这个:

echo date("Y-m-t", strtotime("2021-02-14"));

The "t" in "Ymt" returns number of days in given month (param set in strtotime function). “Ymt”中的“t”返回给定月份的天数(参数在 strtotime 函数中设置)。 In short: you are echoing out: Y: Year, m: Month, t: Number of days in the given month in given year.简而言之:您正在回显:Y:年,m:月,t:给定年份中给定月份的天数。


echo date_format($date,"Y-m-d");

You can get the last date of Month using the below PHP Code....您可以使用下面的 PHP 代码获取月份的最后日期....

$d = new DateTime( '2021-02-01' );
echo $d->format( 'Y-m-t' );

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