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[英]Changing Data frame columns to factor from numeric

I am trying to change the first 20 columns in my data frame to Factor I can do it individually using 我正在尝试将数据框中的前20列更改为因子,我可以使用

    data[,1] <- as.factor(data[,1])

I have tried other methods to get the first 20 to change in one line of script but to no avail, the data frame has 90 columns of which I would like the rest to stay numeric 我尝试了其他方法来使前20个脚本在一行脚本中更改,但无济于事,数据框有90列,我希望其余的保持数值

I have looked around this site and can only find examples of changing all columns 我环顾了这个站点,只能找到更改所有列的示例

Cheers Mick 干杯米克

Use lapply on the columns of interest: 在感兴趣的列上使用lapply

Example: 例:

Sample data: 样本数据:

mydf <- data.frame(matrix(sample(1:5, 24, TRUE), ncol = 8))
# 'data.frame':  3 obs. of  8 variables:
#  $ X1: int  2 2 3
#  $ X2: int  5 2 5
#  $ X3: int  5 4 4
#  $ X4: int  1 2 1
#  $ X5: int  4 2 4
#  $ X6: int  3 4 5
#  $ X7: int  2 4 5
#  $ X8: int  2 4 1

Converting specified columns: 转换指定的列:

## Change cols 4:8 to factors
mydf[4:8] <- lapply(mydf[4:8], as.factor)
# 'data.frame': 3 obs. of  8 variables:
#  $ X1: int  2 2 3
#  $ X2: int  5 2 5
#  $ X3: int  5 4 4
#  $ X4: Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 1
#  $ X5: Factor w/ 2 levels "2","4": 2 1 2
#  $ X6: Factor w/ 3 levels "3","4","5": 1 2 3
#  $ X7: Factor w/ 3 levels "2","4","5": 1 2 3
#  $ X8: Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","4": 2 3 1

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