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Android Studio资源文件丢失

[英]Android Studio resource file missing

I want to create a listview with a simple list item in android studio, and as we all know we write android.R.simple_list_item_1 . 我想在android studio中创建一个带有简单列表项的listview ,众所周知,我们编写了android.R.simple_list_item_1

However, my problem is that when I type android. 但是,我的问题是当我键入android. , I don't get in the suggestions the "R", I tried typing completing it manually and typing android.R. ,我没有收到建议中的“ R”,而是尝试手动输入并填写完成并输入android.R. , but I don't get suggestions for list items and I get an error. ,但没有得到有关列表项的建议,并且出现错误。

I checked my android sdk and java sdk paths and they're correct. 我检查了我的android sdk和java sdk路径,它们是正确的。

Why is the android resource file missing from the suggestions?? 为什么建议中缺少android资源文件?



First make sure your class imports YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME.android.R 首先,请确保您的课程导入了YOUR.PACKAGE.NAME.android.R

Second you need a first build inorder to have android.R file. 其次,您需要首先构建才能拥有android.R文件。 Check if you have this file and if you haven't build your project. 检查是否有此文件,以及是否尚未构建项目。 I believe building is called Sync Gradle in android studio. 我相信在android studio中该建筑称为Sync Gradle。

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