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Android Studio缺少初始分区文件:

[英]Android Studio Missing initial partition file:

Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Missing initial data partition file: /Users/ChristopherTruong/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_24.avd/userdata.img

I have tried reinstalling HAXM, android studio, completely removing all android studio files, and reinstalling yet it still doesn't work. 我已经尝试重新安装HAXM,Android工作室,完全删除所有Android工作室文件,并重新安装它仍然无法正常工作。 I've tried tweaking with advanced settings, deleting the AVD yet it still doesn't fix the issue. 我尝试使用高级设置调整,删除AVD但它仍然无法解决问题。 I searched through out stack overflow and none of the solutions help me. 我搜索了堆栈溢出,没有一个解决方案帮助我。

After some hours I managed to get it solved. 几个小时后,我设法解决了问题。 The problem for me was related to the GPU drivers - it seems that the Android Studio emulator uses GPU acceleration. 对我来说问题与GPU驱动程序有关 - 似乎Android Studio模拟器使用GPU加速。

Just uninstalling and reinstalling the GPU drivers did the trick for me. 只需卸载并重新安装GPU驱动程序就可以解决这个问题。

For reference I have am using an Intel i7 6700K CPU and the on-board GPU. 作为参考,我使用的是Intel i7 6700K CPU和板载GPU。

Hope it helps 希望能帮助到你

I had this problem, and it would not go away after the first boot attempt, as suggested on related posts. 我有这个问题,并且在第一次启动尝试后它不会消失,正如相关帖子所示。 I solved it by upgrading to the latest Emulator version still in Canary channel: https://androidstudio.googleblog.com/2018/06/emulator-2736-canary.html You can switch to Canary by doing the following: Go to SDKManager in Android Studio, then Updates > change to Canary channel, refresh, then go to the Android SDK > SDK Tools tab and selectively update the "Android Emulator" item (check it and hit Apply). 我通过升级到Canary频道中最新的Emulator版本解决了这个问题: https ://androidstudio.googleblog.com/2018/06/emulator-2736-canary.html您可以通过执行以下操作切换到Canary:转到SDKManager中Android Studio,然后更新>更改为Canary频道,刷新,然后转到Android SDK> SDK工具选项卡并有选择地更新“Android Emulator”项目(选中并点击Apply)。

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