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Akka for Java,如何使用带有泛型的Actor

[英]Akka for Java, how to use an an Actor with generics

Akka seems like a nice framework/concept for working with asynchronous flows in your application. 在您的应用程序中使用异步流程时, Akka似乎是一个很好的框架/概念。 I am currently learning Akka for one of my projects and I was wondering about how to properly design Actors. 我正在为我的一个项目学习Akka,我想知道如何正确设计Actors。

Imagine the following actor: 想象一下下面的演员:

public class SampleActor extends UntypedActor {
    private final LoggingAdapter log = 
            Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);

    public void onReceive(final Object message) throws Exception {
        if (message instanceof SomeType) {
            SomeType someType = ((SomeType) message);
            // Handle SomeType
        } else if (message instance SomeOtherType) {
            SomeOtherType someOtherType = ((SomeOtherType) message);
            // Handle SomeOtherType
        } else {

The above code is a common pattern that is eg described in the Akka documentation . 上面的代码是一种常见的模式,例如在Akka文档中描述的。

The pattern above seems kind of old school to me with a bunch of instanceof checks and that the actor handles Object . 上面的模式对我来说似乎是一种老式的学校 ,有一堆instanceof检查,并且actor处理Object Is there another preferred approach for this (like some base class where you specify the types you are interested in) or similar. 是否有另一种首选方法(如某些基类,您可以指定您感兴趣的类型)或类似方法。

One alternative that I can see is that you eg inherit a generic actor such as: 我可以看到的一个替代方案是你继承一个通用的演员,例如:

public class SampleActor extends GenericActor<SomeType> {
    public void onReceive(final SomeType someType) throws Exception {
        // Do stuff

So, what is the best practice for working with actors. 那么,与演员合作的最佳做​​法是什么。 Is it extending UntypedActor or am I missing something? 是扩展UntypedActor还是我遗漏了什么?

First of all look on the UntypedActor and onReceive method contract which was designed for Scala pattern-matching and there is some beauty in ths simplified design. 首先看看为Scala模式匹配设计的UntypedActoronReceive方法契约,并且在简化设计中有一些美感。

Using Java, you need some sort of trade off. 使用Java,您需要某种权衡。 You can use your custom implementation of Visitor pattern for each actor but it adds unnecessary effort. 您可以为每个actor使用Visitor模式的自定义实现,但这会增加不必要的工作量。

The best is to use AbstractActor with its PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> receive() method, supported by your own abstraction. 最好的方法是使用AbstractActor及其PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> receive()方法,由您自己的抽象支持。

public abstract class AbstractAggregateRegistryActor extends AbstractActor {

    public PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> receive() {
        return ReceiveBuilder.

    private void handleRegistration(Protocol.AbstractComponentRegister
                                    componentRegister) {

    private void handleDeregistration(Protocol.AbstractComponentDeregister
                                      componentDeregister) {

    protected abstract <T extends Protocol.AbstractComponentRegistryRequest> 
                         void handleRegistryRequest(T registryRequest);

    public void unhandled(Object message) {
        log.warning("Unhandled message {} in registry.", message);

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