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如何在Restful Web服务中从Ajax调用捕获数据参数?

[英]How to capture data parameter from Ajax call in Restful webservice?

I have a ajax call where I am calling a Restful WS passing a string - 我有一个ajax调用,我在调用传递字符串的Restful WS-

var b2bValues = "Some String";  
var lookupUrl = "http://ip:{port}/ImageViewer/rest/ImageServlet/callrest";  
var lookupReq = $.ajax({url:lookupUrl, async:false, data:b2bValues, contentType: "application/xml", type: "POST"});

My Restful code is - 我的Restful代码是-

@Consumes({"application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain"})
@Produces({"application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain"})
public ImageFieldsList getImageFromSource(@QueryParam("b2bValues") String b2b)
{//Some code

b2bValues at Server side is null. 服务器端的b2bValues为空。

My Question is how to change Restful code to capture the data parameter passed from Ajax call?? 我的问题是如何更改Restful代码以捕获从Ajax调用传递的数据参数?

There are two ways you can fix the issue 有两种方法可以解决此问题

  1. @QueryParam will look for the parameters available in the request URL. @QueryParam将在请求URL中查找可用的参数。 So, if you need to use @QueryParam on server-side, you will need to modify the URL and send the data as follows: 因此,如果需要在服务器端使用@QueryParam ,则需要修改URL并发送数据,如下所示:

     var b2bValues = "Some String"; var lookupUrl = "http://ip:{port}/ImageViewer/rest/ImageServlet/callrest?b2bValues="+b2bValues; var lookupReq = $.ajax({url:lookupUrl, async:false, contentType: "application/xml", type: "POST"}); 

    No changes required on the server side in this case. 在这种情况下,不需要在服务器端进行任何更改。

  2. Usually, for POST requests, we send data by forming request objects. 通常,对于POST请求,我们通过形成请求对象来发送数据。 So, on client-side, you would form the request object like this: 因此,在客户端,您将像这样形成请求对象:

     var requestData = { b2bValues : "SomeValue", someOtherParam : "SomeOtherParamValue", anotherParam : "AnotherParamValue" } var lookupReq = $.ajax({url:lookupUrl, async:false, data:JSON.stringify(requestData), contentType: "application/xml", type: "POST"}); 

    And on server-side, you will need to have equivalent value object to hold the request data. 在服务器端,您将需要具有等效值的对象来保存请求数据。 The names of member variables should match the ones you are sending in the request (or vice versa) 成员变量的名称应与您在请求中发送的名称匹配(反之亦然)

    Sample request object 样品请求对象

     // SampleRequestObject.java String b2bValues; String someOtherParam; String anotherParam; // getters and setters for these member variables 

    Now, the ReST method will change to this: 现在,ReST方法将更改为:

     @POST @Path("/callrest") @Consumes({"application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain"}) @Produces({"application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain"}) public ImageFieldsList getImageFromSource(SampleRequestObject requestInput) { // access request input using getters of SampleRequestObject.java // For example, requestInput.getB2bValues(); } 

It needs a change in the server code - 需要更改服务器代码-

@Consumes({"application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain"})
@Produces({"application/xml", "application/json", "text/plain"})
public ImageFieldsList getImageFromSource(String b2bValues)
{//Some code

No need to use @Queryparam but the key should match with the variable name. 无需使用@Queryparam,但键应与变量名匹配。

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