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TraitsUI CheckListEditor具有默认选择?

[英]TraitsUI CheckListEditor with default selections?

I'm using a CheckListEditor (source , docs ) to present a list of options to users for configuring a simulation. 我正在使用CheckListEditor (源docs )向用户显示用于配置模拟的选项列表。 By using the custom View options, it displays these selections as checkboxes. 通过使用custom视图”选项,它将这些选择显示为复选框。 What I can't figure out is how to set some pre-selected or pre-checked boxes? 我不知道该如何设置一些预选或预选框? IE the default settings for the simulation. IE的模拟默认设置。

from traits.api import *
from traitsui.api import *

class Test(HasTraits):          
    foo = List(editor=CheckListEditor(values = ['a','b','c']))

    traits_view = View(Item('foo', style='custom'))


Below is a SS of the output. 下面是输出的SS。 How would I initialize this with say a and b checked? 我将如何用ab进行初始化?

Thanks. 谢谢。


One way is to specify the default value of the List . 一种方法是指定List的默认值。 That is, change this: 也就是说,更改此:

    foo = List(editor=CheckListEditor(values = ['a','b','c']))


    foo = List(editor=CheckListEditor(values = ['a','b','c']), value=['a', 'b'])

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