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使用Python脚本链接C ++程序输出

[英]Link C++ program output with Python script

I have a C++ program that uses some very specific method to calculate pairwise distances for a data set (30,000 elements). 我有一个C ++程序,它使用一些非常特定的方法来计算数据集(30,000个元素)的成对距离。 The output file would be 20 GB, and look something like this: 输出文件将为20 GB,如下所示:

point1, point2, distancex
pointi, pointj, distancexx

I then input the file to Python and use Python (NumPy) for clustering. 然后,我将文件输入Python,并使用Python(NumPy)进行集群。 It takes forever using Python to read the output file. 永远需要使用Python来读取输出文件。 Is there a way to connect the C++ program directly with my Python code to save time on I/O on the intermediate file? 有没有一种方法可以直接将C ++程序与我的Python代码连接,以节省中间文件上I / O的时间? Maybe using SWIG? 也许使用SWIG?

I assume you have been saving ascii. 我认为您一直在保存ascii。 You could modify your C++ code to write binary instead, and read it with numpy.fromfile . 您可以修改C ​​++代码以改为编写二进制文件,然后使用numpy.fromfile读取它。

For a more direct connection, you would wrap your C++ code as a library (remove main() and drive it from Python) using swig. 对于更直接的连接,您可以使用swig将C ++代码包装为一个库(删除main()并从Python驱动)。 This allows you to share the memory of arrays between C++ and Python. 这使您可以在C ++和Python之间共享数组的内存。

You can use either Python's buffer protocol on the C++ side together with numpy.frombuffer on the Python side. 您可以在C ++端使用Python的缓冲区协议 ,也可以在python端使用numpy.frombuffer Or you can use the numpy headers to directly work on numpy arrays in C++. 或者,您可以使用numpy标头直接在C ++中处理numpy数组。 Here is a small swig example project using the second method. 这是使用第二种方法的小示例项目 (Disclaimer: I wrote it.) (免责声明:我写的。)

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