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[英]Regex matching emoticons

We are working on a project where we want users to be able to use both emoji syntax (like :smile: , :heart: , :confused: , :stuck_out_tongue: ) as well as normal emoticons (like :) , <3 , :/ , :p ) 我们正在研究一个项目,我们希望用户能够同时使用的表情符号的语法(如:smile::heart::confused::stuck_out_tongue:以及正常的表情符号(如:)<3 :/ :p

I'm having trouble with the emoticon syntax because sometimes those character sequences will occur in: 我在使用表情符号语法时遇到问题,因为有时这些字符序列会出现在:

  • normal strings or URL's - http :/ /example.com 普通字符串或URL - http :/ example.com
  • within the emoji syntax - :p encil: 在表情符号语法中 - :p encil:

How can I find these emoticon character sequences but not when other characters are near them? 我怎样才能找到这些表情字符序列,而不是当其他字符靠近它们时?

The entire regex I'm using for all the emoticons is huge, so here's a trimed down version: 我用于所有表情符号的整个正则表达式是巨大的,所以这里是一个trimed down版本:


You can play with a demo of it in action here: http://regexr.com/3a8o5 您可以在这里播放它的演示: http//regexr.com/3a8o5

Match emoji first (to take care of the :pencil: example) and then check for a terminating whitespace or newline: 首先匹配表情符号(以处理:pencil:示例),然后检查终止空格或换行符:


This regex matches the following (preferring emoji) returning the match in matching group 1: 此正则表达式匹配以下(首选表情符号)返回匹配组1中的匹配:

:( :) :P :p :O :3 :| :/ :\ :$ :* :@
:-( :-) :-P :-p :-O :-3 :-| :-/ :-\ :-$ :-* :-@
:^( :^) :^P :^p :^O :^3 :^| :^/ :^\ :^$ :^* :^@
): (: $: *:
)-: (-: $-: *-:
)^: (^: $^: *^:
<3 </3 <\3
:smile: :hug: :pencil:

It also supports terminal punctuation as a delimiter in addition to white space. 除了空格之外,它还支持终端标点符号作为分隔符。

You can see more details and test it here: https://regex101.com/r/aM3cU7/4 您可以在此处查看更多详细信息并进行测试: https//regex101.com/r/aM3cU7/4

I assume these emoticons will commonly be used with spaces before and after. 我假设这些表情符号通常会在前后使用空格。 Then \\s might be what you're looking for, as it represents a white space. 那么\\s可能就是你要找的东西,因为它代表了一个空白区域。

Then your regex would become 然后你的正则表达式会成为


Make a positive look-ahead for a space 对空间做出积极的展望

 |       |      |         |
 |       |      |         |
 |       |      |         |-> match last separating space
 |       |      |-> match last part of the emot
 |       |-> it may have a `-` or not 
 |-> first part of the emoticon

Since you're using javascript, and you don't have access to look arounds: 由于您使用的是javascript,并且您无权环顾四周:

/([\:\<]-?[)|\\/pP3D])(\s|$)/g.exec('hi :) ;D');

And then just splice() the resulting array out of its last entry (that's most probably a space) 然后将最终的数组(最可能是一个空格) splice()出来()

You want regex look-arounds regarding spacing. 你想要有关间距的正则表达式。 Another answer here suggested a positive look-ahead, though I'd go double-negative: 这里的另一个答案表明积极的前瞻,虽然我会双重否定:


While JavaScript doesn't support (?<!pattern) , look-behind can be mimicked : 虽然JavaScript不支持(?<!pattern)但可以模仿look-behind

                    function($0, $1) { return $1 ? $0 : replacement_text; });

All I did was prefix your code with (?<!\\S) in front and suffix with (?!\\S) in back. 我所做的就是在前面添加(?<!\\S)前缀,后缀为(?!\\S)后缀。 The prefix ensures you do not follow a non-whitespace character, so the only valid leading entries are spaces or nothing (start of line). 前缀确保您不遵循非空白字符,因此唯一有效的前导条目是空格或空格(行首)。 The suffix does the same thing, ensuring you are not followed by a non-whitespace character. 后缀执行相同的操作,确保您不会跟随非空白字符。 See also this more thorough regex walk-through . 另请参见这个更彻底的正则表达式演练

One of the comments to the question itself was suggesting \\b (word boundary) markers. 对问题本身的评论之一是建议\\b (单词边界)标记。 I don't recommend these. 我不推荐这些。 In fact, this suggestion would do the opposite of what you want; 事实上,这个建议会与你想要的相反; \\b:/ will indeed match http:// since there is a word boundary between the p and the : . \\b:/确实匹配http://因为p:之间有一个单词边界。 This kind of reasoning would suggest \\B (not a word boundary), eg \\B:/\\B . 这种推理会建议\\B (不是单词边界),例如\\B:/\\B This is more portable (it works with pretty much all regex parsers while look-arounds do not), and you can choose it in that case, but I prefer the look-arounds. 这是更便携的(几乎所有的正则表达式解析器都可以使用,而环顾四周看不到),你可以在这种情况下选择它,但我更喜欢环顾四周。

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