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[英]How to convert emoticons within text with RegEx?

The following regex works in all but one case. 除了一种情况外,以下正则表达式均适用。

If I start a text with ":-)" the emoticon should be converted and it is not. 如果我以“ :-)”开头,则应转换图释,而不是。 What do i have to add to make this possible? 我必须添加什么才能使其成为可能?

    // :-O :O :-o :o

    _message = _message.replace(/\s:-?[Oo]\s/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-freaked-mini"></i>');

    // :-) :)

    _message = _message.replace(/\s:-?\)\s/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-smile-mini"></i>');

    // :-D :D

    _message = _message.replace(/\s:-?D\s/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-laugh-mini"></i>');

    // :-( :(

    _message = _message.replace(/\s:-?\(\s/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-sad-mini"></i>');

    // ;-) ;)

    _message = _message.replace(/\s;-?\)\s/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-wink-mini"></i>');

    // :-/ :/ :-| :|      excluded: :-// ://  (URLs)

    _message = _message.replace(/\s:-?[\/\|](?!\/)\s/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-well-mini"></i>');

You can use ^ to anchor to the start of the string (It has this meaning when it is outside square brackets). 您可以使用^锚定到字符串的开头(当它在方括号之外时,具有此含义)。 So we say <start of string or following a whitespace character> 因此,我们说<start of string or following a whitespace character>

We can also do similar with $ and anchoring to the end of the string. 我们也可以使用$并将其锚定到字符串的末尾。

// :-O :O :-o :o

_message = _message.replace(/(^|\s):-?[Oo](\s|$)/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-freaked-mini"></i>');

// :-) :)

_message = _message.replace(/(^|\s):-?\)(\s|$)/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-smile-mini"></i>');

// :-D :D

_message = _message.replace(/(^|\s):-?D(\s|$)/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-laugh-mini"></i>');

// :-( :(

_message = _message.replace(/(^|\s):-?\((\s|$)/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-sad-mini"></i>');

// ;-) ;)

_message = _message.replace(/(^|\s);-?\)(\s|$)/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-wink-mini"></i>');

// :-/ :/ :-| :|      excluded: :-// ://  (URLs)

_message = _message.replace(/(^|\s):-?[\/\|](?!\/)(\s|$)/g, '<i class="icon-emoji-well-mini"></i>');

Additionally, as Casimir says, you can do something like this, taking advantage of the fact that as long as it begins with letter, _, or $, a javascript variable may contain almost any character. 此外,就像卡西米尔(Casimir)所说的那样,您可以利用一个事实,即只要以字母,_或$开头的javascript变量几乎可以包含任何字符,就可以这样做。

_message = "He Loves me :), he loves me not. :(";

var Smiles = {"e:-O": "freaked-mini","e:O": "freaked-mini","e:-)": "smile-mini","e:)": "smile-mini","e:-D": "laugh-mini","e:D": "laugh-mini","e:-(": "laugh-mini","e:(": "laugh-mini","e;-)": "wink-mini","e;)": "wink-mini","e:-\\": "well-mini","e:\\": "well-mini","e:-\|": "well-mini","e:\|": "well-mini"}

_message = _message.replace(/(?:^|\s)(:-?[Oo]|:-?\)|:-?\(|:-?D|s:-?|;-?\)|:-?[\/\|](?!\/))(?=\s|$)/g,function (match,p1) {
        return '<i class="icon-emoji-' + Smiles["e" + p1] + '></i>';


One problem I encountered, no matter which code styling is that it will not catch an emoticon followed immediately by a punctuation mark and that makes me sad :(. . 无论使用哪种代码样式,我都遇到的一个问题是,它不会立即抓住带后缀的标点符号, that makes me sad :(.

There's an easy fix though, we'll change (?=\\s|$) to (?=\\s|$|\\.|,|\\?|\\!) . 不过有一个简单的解决方法,我们将(?=\\s|$)更改为(?=\\s|$|\\.|,|\\?|\\!) And that makes me happy<i class="icon-emoji-smile-mini></i>.

_message = _message.replace(/(?:^|\s)(:-?[Oo]|:-?\)|:-?\(|:-?D|s:-?|;-?\)|:-?[\/\|](?!\/))(?=\s|$|\.|,|\?|\!)/g,function (match,p1) {
        return '<i class="icon-emoji-' + Smiles["e" + p1] + '></i>';


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