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[英]How can I implement IServiceProvider?

How can I implement IServiceProvider in the class which I inherit other interfaces from so their methods actually get called? 如何在继承其他接口的类中实现IServiceProvider ,以便实际调用它们的方法? Right now I always get E_NOINTERFACE back from QueryInterface . 现在我总是从QueryInterface返回E_NOINTERFACE

    TPassthrough = class(TComObject, IInternetProtocolRoot, IInternetProtocolSink, IInternetProtocol, IServiceProvider)
      FDefaultSink: IInternetProtocol;
      FProtSink: IInternetProtocolSink;
      FBindInfo: IInternetBindInfo;
    { IServiceProvider }
    function QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;

    { IInternetProtocolSink }
    function Switch(const ProtocolData: TProtocolData): HResult; stdcall;
    function ReportProgress(ulStatusCode: ULONG; szStatusText: LPCWSTR): HResult; stdcall;
    function ReportData(grfBSCF: DWORD; ulProgress, ulProgressMax: ULONG): HResult; stdcall;
    function ReportResult(hrResult: HResult; dwError: DWORD; szResult: LPCWSTR): HResult; stdcall;

    { IInternetProtocolRoot }
    function Start(szUrl: LPCWSTR; OIProtSink: IInternetProtocolSink; OIBindInfo: IInternetBindInfo; grfPI, dwReserved: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
    function Continue(const ProtocolData: TProtocolData): HResult; overload; stdcall;
    function Abort(hrReason: HResult; dwOptions: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
    function Terminate(dwOptions: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
    function Suspend: HResult; stdcall;
    function Resume: HResult; stdcall;

    { IInternetProtocol }
    function Read(pv: Pointer; cb: ULONG; out cbRead: ULONG): HResult; stdcall;
    function Seek(dlibMove: LARGE_INTEGER; dwOrigin: DWORD; out libNewPosition: ULARGE_INTEGER): HResult; stdcall;
    function LockRequest(dwOptions: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
    function UnlockRequest: HResult; stdcall;


function TPassthrough.Start(szUrl: LPCWSTR; OIProtSink: IInternetProtocolSink; OIBindInfo: IInternetBindInfo; grfPI, dwReserved: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
  if (FDefaultSink = nil) then
  OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_HttpProtocol, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IUnknown, FDefaultSink));

  FBindInfo := OIBindInfo;
  FProtSink := OIProtSink;

  if (Assigned(FDefaultSink)) then
    Result := (FDefaultSink as IInternetProtocolRoot).Start(szUrl, Self, Self, grfPI, dwReserved)
    Result := E_NOTIMPL;

function TPassthrough.QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
  Pointer(Obj) := nil;

  if Succeeded(QueryInterface(rsid, Obj)) and
    Result := S_OK;

The purpose of QueryService is different from the purpose of QueryInterface . QueryService的目的与QueryInterface的目的不同。

QueryService should return a pointer to the object itself if it provides the requested service (through rsid ), otherwise it should delegate to some other object, typically a container and with another QueryService call. QueryService提供所请求的服务(通过rsid ), QueryService应返回指向对象本身的指针,否则它应该委托给其他对象,通常是容器和另一个QueryService调用。

If no such service is found, it should return E_NOTIMPL . 如果未找到此类服务,则应返回E_NOTIMPL

The returned interface pointer will be of the requested type (through iid ), so if the service is found, the object that implements the service is finally QueryInterface d. 返回的接口指针将是所请求的类型(通过iid ),因此如果找到该服务,则实现该服务的对象最终是QueryInterface d。

If no such interface is implemented by the object, it should return E_NOINTERFACE . 如果对象没有实现这样的接口,它应该返回E_NOINTERFACE

It so happens that many service IDs (SID) are the same GUID as the typically implemented interface ID (IID), for instance, SID_SInternetSecurityManager and IID_IInternetSecurityManager . 碰巧许多服务ID(SID)与通常实现的接口ID(IID)是相同的GUID,例如, SID_SInternetSecurityManagerIID_IInternetSecurityManager Although this is a widely used convention, it is not a rule. 虽然这是一种广泛使用的惯例,但它不是一个规则。 For instance, you can ask for the SID_SWebBrowserApp service as a IID_IWebBrowser2 interface pointer . 例如, 您可以将SID_SWebBrowserApp服务作为IID_IWebBrowser2接口指针

So, analysing your original code : 所以,分析你的原始代码

function TPassthrough.QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
  Pointer(Obj) := nil;

  if Succeeded(QueryInterface(rsid, Obj)) and
    Result := S_OK;

You're kind of just transforming QueryService into QueryInterface using a service ID ( rsid ), which is similar but not necessarily related to interface IDs ( iid ). 您只是使用服务ID( rsid )将QueryService转换为QueryInterface ,这类似于但不一定与接口ID( iid )相关。 As such, if the two differ, the caller may get an incompatible interface pointer. 因此,如果两者不同,则调用者可能会获得不兼容的接口指针。

Then, the changed code : 然后, 更改的代码

function TMonitor.QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
  Pointer(Obj) := nil;

  if Succeeded(QueryInterface(iid, Obj)) and
    Result := S_OK;

This is saying that the object implements every imaginable service, so it merely delegates to QueryInterface , but at least correctly with iid . 这就是说该对象实现了所有可以想象的服务,因此它只是委托给QueryInterface ,但至少正确地使用了iid

This is what you should do: 这是你应该做的:

function TMonitor.QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  if Not Assigned(@Obj) then
    Result := E_POINTER;

  Pointer(Obj) := nil;
  Result := E_NOTIMPL;

  if Assigned(FServiceProvider) then
    Result := FServiceProvider.QueryService(rsid, iid, Obj);

Should you want to provide your own services, you can optionally use the following code: 如果您想提供自己的服务,可以选择使用以下代码:

function TMonitor.QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
  if Not Assigned(@Obj) then
    Result := E_POINTER;

  Pointer(Obj) := nil;
  Result := E_NOTIMPL;

  if IsEqualGUID(rsid, SID_SOverrideService1) or
     IsEqualGUID(rsid, SID_SOverrideService2)
    Result := QueryInterface(iid, Obj);

  if Result = E_NOTIMPL and
    Result := FServiceProvider.QueryService(rsid, iid, Obj);

  if Result = E_NOTIMPL and
     (IsEqualGUID(rsid, SID_SFallbackService1) or
      IsEqualGUID(rsid, SID_SFallbackService2))
    Result := QueryInterface(iid, Obj);

Where SID_OverrideServiceN are the service IDs you want to override and SID_FallbackServiceN are the service IDs you want to fallback to. 其中SID_OverrideServiceN是您要覆盖的服务ID, SID_FallbackServiceN是您要回退的服务ID。 Note that I changed Succeeded(Result) to Result <> E_NOTIMPL , because I don't want to keep looking for services if one was actually found but some other error happened, eg the requested interface was not implemented ( E_NOINTERFACE ). 请注意,我将Succeeded(Result)更改为Result <> E_NOTIMPL ,因为我不想继续查找服务(如果实际找到了一个但发生了其他错误,例如请求的接口未实现( E_NOINTERFACE ))。



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