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[英]Auto-Fill for Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets

I have a Google Sheet with conditional formatting that changes the background color of cell H2 based on the contents of cell F2 . 我有一个具有条件格式的Google表格,它可以根据单元格F2的内容来更改单元格H2的背景色。 I want to auto-fill this conditional formatting rule down the column, so that cell H3 depends on F3 , H4 on F4 , and so on. 我想在此列下自动填充此条件格式设置规则,以便单元格H3依赖于F3H4依赖于F4 ,依此类推。

When I drag the cell's formatting down the column (Auto-Fill), the conditional formatting rule doesn't get sequenced - the origin cell's rules just get copied verbatim. 当我将单元格的格式向下拖动到列(自动填充)时,条件格式设置规则不会得到排序-原单元格的规则只会逐字复制。

Is there a workaround, besides manually editing the rule for each row? 除了手动编辑每一行的规则之外,还有其他解决方法吗?

It would help to have some more details of how you established the rule that you have but Custom formula is of: 这将有助于您详细了解如何建立自己的规则,但“ 自定义”公式的依据是:


and Range H2 should copy down as you require. H2范围应根据需要向下复制。

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