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Google 表格中的自动填写在空白单元格处停止

[英]Auto-fill in Google Sheets stops at blank cells

I'm doing VLOOKUP to merge 2 tables: customer_demographics and transactions, using the customer_id column as primary key.我正在执行 VLOOKUP 合并 2 个表:customer_demographics 和 transactions,使用 customer_id 列作为主键。 ==VLOOKUP(C2, CustomerDemographic:$1,$4001. 10). ==VLOOKUP(C2, CustomerDemographic:$1,$4001.10)。

Auto-fill stops at blank cells, and there are over 20,000 rows in the transactions table so it's very time-consuming to have to manually drag it down.自动填充在空白单元格处停止,交易表中有超过 20,000 行,因此必须手动将其向下拖动非常耗时。 There are lots of blanks too.也有很多空白。 Any help?有什么帮助吗?

I haven't tried anything besides dragging it down manually除了手动拖下来,我什么都没试过

Have you erased all the data in that column in order to use some arrayformula?, have in mind that if you had previous formulas in other cells, then it won't work.您是否删除了该列中的所有数据以使用某些数组公式?请记住,如果您在其他单元格中有以前的公式,那么它将不起作用。 Try this:尝试这个:


Just in case you weren't aware, in your formula you didn't define if it had to be an exact match (put a 0 at the end of the formula), then if CustomerDemographic isn't sorted you may have some mismatches以防万一你不知道,在你的公式中你没有定义它是否必须完全匹配(在公式末尾放一个 0),那么如果 CustomerDemographic 没有排序,你可能会有一些不匹配

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