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[英]Matlab calculating nearest neighbour distance for all (u, v) vectors in an array

I am trying to calculate the distance between nearest neighbours within a nx2 matrix like the one shown below 我正在尝试计算nx2矩阵内的最近邻居之间的距离,如下所示

point_coordinates =

   11.4179  103.1400
   16.7710   10.6691
   16.6068  119.7024
   25.1379   74.3382
   30.3651   23.2635
   31.7231  105.9109
   31.8653   36.9388

%for loop going from the top of the vector column to the bottom
for counter = 1:size(point_coordinates,1) 
    %current point defined selected 
    current_point = point_coordinates(counter,:);

    %math to calculate distance between the current point and all the points 
    distance_search= point_coordinates-repmat(current_point,[size(point_coordinates,1) 1]);
    dist_from_current_point = sqrt(distance_search(:,1).^2+distance_search(:,2).^2);

    %line to omit self subtraction that gives zero
    dist_from_current_point (dist_from_current_point <= 0)=[];

    %gives the shortest distance calculated for a certain vector and current_point


%final line to plot the u,v vectors and the corresponding nearest neighbour
matnndist = [point_coordinates nearest_dist]

I am not sure how to structure the 'for' loop/nearest_neighbour line to be able to get the nearest neighbour distance for each u,v vector. 我不确定如何构造“ for”循环/ nearest_neighbour线以获取每个u,v向量的最近邻居距离。

I would like to have, for example ; 例如,我想拥有; for the first vector you could have the coordinates and the corresponding shortest distance, for the second vector another its shortest distance, and this goes on till n 对于第一个向量,您可以具有坐标和相应的最短距离,对于第二个向量,则可以具有其最短距离,一直到n

Hope someone can help. 希望有人能帮忙。

Thanks 谢谢

I understand you want to obtain the minimum distance between different points . 我了解您想获得不同点之间的最小距离

You can compute the distance for each pair of points with bsxfun ; 您可以使用bsxfun计算每对点的距离; remove self-distances; 消除自我距离; minimize. 最小化。 It's more computationally efficient to work with squared distances, and take the square root only at the end. 使用平方距离,并且仅在最后求平方根,计算效率更高。

n = size(point_coordinates,1);
dist = bsxfun(@minus, point_coordinates(:,1), point_coordinates(:,1).').^2 + ...
       bsxfun(@minus, point_coordinates(:,2), point_coordinates(:,2).').^2;
dist(1:n+1:end) = inf; %// remove self-distances
min_dist = sqrt(min(dist(:)));

Alternatively, you could use pdist . 另外,您可以使用pdist This avoids computing each distance twice, and also avoids self-distances: 这避免了两次计算每个距离,也避免了自距离:

dist = pdist(point_coordinates);
min_dist = min(dist(:));

If I can suggest a built-in function, use knnsearch from the statistics toolbox. 如果我可以建议内置函数,请使用统计信息工具箱中的knnsearch What you are essentially doing is a K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) algorithm, but you are ignoring self-distances. 本质上,您正在做的是K最近邻(KNN)算法,但是您忽略了自身距离。 The way you would call knnsearch is in the following way: 调用knnsearch的方式如下:

[idx,d] = knnsearch(X, Y, 'k', k);

In simple terms, the KNN algorithm returns the k closest points to your data set given a query point. 简单来说,KNN算法会根据查询点将k 最接近的点返回到您的数据集。 Usually, the Euclidean distance is the distance metric that is used. 通常,欧几里得距离是所使用的距离度量。 For MATLAB's knnsearch , X is a 2D array that consists of your dataset where each row is an observation and each column is a variable. 对于MATLAB的knnsearchX是一个2D数组,由您的数据集组成,其中每一都是观察值,每一都是变量。 Y would be the query points. Y将是查询点。 Y is also a 2D array where each row is a query point and you need to have the same number of columns as X . Y还是2D数组,其中每一都是一个查询点,并且您需要具有与X相同的列数。 We would also specify the flag 'k' to denote how many closest points you want returned. 我们还将指定标志'k'来表示您要返回的最近点数。 By default, k = 1 . 默认情况下, k = 1

As such, idx would be a N x K matrix, where N is the total number of query points (number of rows of Y ) and K would be those k closest points to the dataset for each query point we have. 这样, idx将是一个N x K矩阵,其中N是查询点的总数( Y的行数),而K将是我们拥有的每个查询点与数据集最接近的k个点。 idx indicates the particular points in your dataset that were closest to each query. idx表示数据集中最接近每个查询的特定点。 d is also a N x K matrix that returns the smallest distances for these corresponding closest points. d也是一个N x K矩阵,它返回这些对应的最近点的最小距离

As such, what you want to do is find the closest point for your dataset to each of the other points, ignoring self-distances. 这样,您想要做的就是找到数据集与其他每个点的最接近点,而忽略自身距离。 Therefore, you would set both X and Y to be the same, and set k = 2 , discarding the first column of both outputs to get the result you're looking for. 因此,您可以将XY设置为相同,并设置k = 2 ,丢弃两个输出的第一列以获得所需的结果。

Therefore: 因此:

[idx,d] = knnsearch(point_coordinates, point_coordinates, 'k', 2)
idx = idx(:,2);
d = d(:,2);

We thus get for idx and d : 因此,我们得到idxd

>> idx

idx =


>> d

d =


As such, this tells us that for the first point in your data set, it matched with point #3 the best. 因此,这告诉我们,对于数据集中的第一个点,它与第3点最匹配。 This matched with the closest distance of 17.3562. 这与最近的距离17.3562相匹配。 For the second point in your data set, it matched with point #5 the best with the closest distance being 18.5316. 对于数据集中的第二个点,它与点#5匹配得最好,最接近的距离是18.5316。 You can continue on with the rest of the results in a similar pattern. 您可以按照类似的方式继续处理其余结果。

If you don't have access to the statistics toolbox, consider reading my StackOverflow post on how I compute KNN from first principles. 如果您无权访问统计信息工具箱,请考虑阅读我的StackOverflow帖子,内容涉及如何根据第一原理计算KNN。

Finding K-nearest neighbors and its implementation 寻找K近邻及其实现

In fact, it is very similar to Luis Mendo's post to you earlier. 实际上,这与路易斯·门多(Luis Mendo)之前给您的帖子非常相似。

Good luck! 祝好运!

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