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Mule ESB体积报告

[英]Mule ESB Volumetric Reporting

I would like to provide a daily report showing, for the various Mule Flows deployed, message volumes (hourly or user defined) and average processing for the period defined. 我想提供一份每日报告,显示已部署的各种Mule Flows的消息量(按小时或用户定义)以及所定义期间的平均处理量。 The data used in the report should be in a simple format, csv or similar, so that it can be loaded into Excel or a database. 报告中使用的数据应采用csv或类似的简单格式,以便可以将其加载到Excel或数据库中。

Does anyone have any suggestions about how best to achieve the above - either tools I can use to capture the data myself, or even packaged monitoring products. 是否有人对如何最好地实现上述目标有任何建议-我可以使用自己用来捕获数据的工具,甚至打包的监视产品。 The MMC is ok, but it only shows totals (or averages based on the totals), plus the data cannot be exported (easily). MMC可以,但是它仅显示总计(或基于总计的平均值),并且数据无法(轻松)导出。

Thanks, Phil 谢谢,菲尔

Have you consider activating Business events with default event tracking? 您是否考虑过使用默认事件跟踪激活业务事件 This will put all this information plus more in a database, the only trade off is that you have to maintain that database to not to occupy all disk space, etc. 这会将所有这些信息以及更多信息放到数据库中,唯一的折衷是您必须维护该数据库以免占用所有磁盘空间,等等。

In our case we're using Elastic Stack (ES, Logstash and Kibana) for this purpose. 在我们的例子中,我们为此使用弹性堆栈(ES,Logstash和Kibana)。 More info in https://www.elastic.co/v5 有关更多信息, 请访问https://www.elastic.co/v5

We use logstash for getting Mule logs to ES. 我们使用logstash将Mule日志发送到ES。 You can track almost everything from Flows logs. 您几乎可以从Flows日志中跟踪所有内容。

It's obviously with Business Events. 显然是与商务活动有关。

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