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[英]Gradle dependency based on both build type and flavor

I have several build types: debug , release . 我有几种构建类型: debugrelease I also have two flavors pub and dev . 我也有两种口味的pubdev

pub flavored application depends on a pub library, the similar goes for dev flavor. pub风味的应用程序取决于pub库,类似于dev风格。 Now I'd like the debug build type app depend on debug build of the library. 现在我想debug构建类型应用程序依赖于库的debug版本。 The following does not work: 以下不起作用:

pubReleaseCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubRelease")
devReleaseCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devRelease")
pubDebugCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubDebug")
devDebugCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devDebug")

Note: The library is set up to compile all variants. 注意:库已设置为编译所有变体。

Is there a way to specify conditional project dependency based on both flavor and build type? 有没有办法根据flavor和build类型指定条件项目依赖?

EDIT: To avoid confusion here follow relevant build.gradle files from the project that I'm currently using. 编辑:为避免混淆,请遵循我当前使用的项目中的相关build.gradle文件。

project/common/build.gradle (the library) project / common / build.gradle (库)

apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
apply plugin: 'com.jakewharton.hugo' // annotation-based code generated logs only in debug build

android {
  defaultPublishConfig "pubRelease"
  publishNonDefault true // four variants of the library are built

  buildTypes {
    debug {}
    release {
      minifyEnabled false
      proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
  productFlavors {
    pub {
      // custom build config fields
    dev {
      // custom build config fields

dependencies {
  // ...

project/parent/build.gradle (one of the app modules using the library) project / parent / build.gradle (使用该库的应用程序模块之一)

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'com.jakewharton.hugo'

android {
  // ...

  signingConfigs {
    release {
      // ...

  buildTypes {
    release {
      signingConfig signingConfigs.release
      proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-project.txt'
      shrinkResources true
      minifyEnabled true
    debug {
      versionNameSuffix '-debug'
  productFlavors {
    pub {
      // custom res values
    dev {
      // custom res values

dependencies {
  // ...
  pubCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubRelease")
  devCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devRelease")

Android Plugin for Gradle 3.xx 适用于Gradle 3.xx的Android插件

Build plugin 3.xx uses variant-aware dependency resolution so devDebug variant of an app module will automatically use devDebug variant of its library module dependency. 构建插件的3.xx使用的变体感知依赖分辨率,以便devDebug应用程序模块的变种会自动使用devDebug它的库模块依赖的变种。 To answer the question, this would be enough: 要回答这个问题,这就足够了:

implementation project(':common')

Read more here: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/dependencies.html#variant_aware 在这里阅读更多内容: https//developer.android.com/studio/build/dependencies.html#variant_aware

Original answer 原始答案

I was able to find a solution here: https://github.com/JakeWharton/u2020/blob/master/build.gradle 我能在这里找到解决方案: https//github.com/JakeWharton/u2020/blob/master/build.gradle

More on why my original code does not suffice is available here: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=162285 有关原始代码不足的原因,请访问: https//code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id = 162285

Working solution: 工作方案:

configurations {

dependencies {
  pubReleaseCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubRelease")
  devReleaseCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devRelease")
  pubDebugCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubDebug")
  devDebugCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devDebug")

First define the various build types: 首先定义各种构建类型:

buildTypes {
    pubRelease {
    devRelease {

Create a task that will be executed only for a specific buildType and flavor: 创建仅针对特定buildType和flavor执行的任务:

task pubReleaseTask << {

task devReleaseTask << {

You can add the dependency dynamically: 您可以动态添加依赖项:

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    if (task.name == 'pubRelease') {
        task.dependsOn pubReleaseTask
    if (task.name == 'devRelease') {
        task.dependsOn devReleaseTask 

Take a look at Multi-flavor variants You shouldn't use buildTypes for this. 看看多味道变体您不应该使用buildTypes。 But you can define multi-flavors: 但是你可以定义多种口味:

flavorDimensions "first", "second"

productFlavors {
    pub {
        flavorDimension "first"
    dev {
        flavorDimension "first"
    deb {
        flavorDimension "second"
    rel {
        flavorDimension "second"

And then you can add dependencies to your libs like this 然后你可以像这样添加你的libs依赖项

pubRelCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubRel")
devRelCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devRel")
pubDebCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "pubDeb")
devDebCompile project(path: ':common', configuration: "devDeb")

Follow up @dooplaye's example, assume you only want to compile leanback in one flavor, you could refer to below snippet: 跟进@ dooplaye的例子,假设你只想编译一种风格的leanback,你可以参考下面的代码片段:

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    def flavorString = ""
    def flavors = variant.productFlavors
    for (int i = 0; i < flavors.size(); i++) {
        flavorString += flavors[i].name;

    if (flavorString.equalsIgnoreCase("pubdeb")) {
        dependencies {

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