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[英]Get gradle build type in product flavor

I need to create different app names depending on the product flavour used. 我需要根据使用的产品风格创建不同的应用程序名称。

While this was easy by simply setting a string resource, I can no longer do that because when the app is uploaded to hockeyapp the app name is set as '@string/app_name' instead of the value of app_name. 虽然通过简单地设置字符串资源很容易,但我不能再这样做,因为当应用程序上传到hockeyapp时,应用程序名称设置为“@ string / app_name”而不是app_name的值。

I have made some progress by setting the label in the manifest to be '${applicationName}' and setting the value with 通过将清单中的标签设置为“$ {applicationName}”并使用设置值,我取得了一些进展

manifestPlaceholders = [ applicationName : appName ];

in the product flavour block so that the value gets set at compile time. 在产品flavor块中,以便在编译时设置该值。

The problem comes when I try to append the build type to the application name. 当我尝试将构建类型附加到应用程序名称时出现问题。 I can't seem to find a way to know what build type is currently being used within the product flavour. 我似乎无法找到一种方法来了解当前在产品风格中使用的构建类型。

This is a stripped down version of the build for readability 这是用于可读性的构建的精简版本

android {
    buildVersionName "1.0.0

    buildTypes {
        release {
            ... nothing special
        uat {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
            buildType = "uat"
            applicationIdSuffix = "." + buildType
        debug {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
            buildType = "uat"
            applicationIdSuffix = "." + buildType
            def appName = "app name " + buildType;
            manifestPlaceholders = [ applicationName : appName ];
            applicationId [id]
            def clientIteration = [client iteration]
            versionName buildVersionName + clientIteration
            versionCode [version code]
            ... same as above with different app name
            ... same as above with different app name

This code works fine except the variable 'buildType' is always the last buildtype (in this case debug) which means the app name always has debug on the end. 此代码工作正常,但变量'buildType'始终是最后一个构建类型(在本例中为debug),这意味着应用程序名称总是在末尾进行调试。

Probably worth noting that I don't need to have anything appended on the end of the app name for releases. 可能值得注意的是,我不需要在应用程序名称的末尾附加任何附加内容。

I know I'm a bit late for the party but if you want different names based on the flavours, you should have something like this: 我知道我有点迟到了,但如果你想要根据口味不同的名字,你应该有这样的东西:

    flavour 1 {
        applicationId "your_app_id"
        resValue "string", "app_name", "Flavour 1 app name"

    flavour 2 {
        applicationId "your_app_id"
        resValue "string", "app_name", "Flavour 2 app name"


and in your AndroidManifest.xml: 在AndroidManifest.xml中:


Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

You can append the values like this 您可以附加这样的值

   android {

    productFlavors {
        Foo {
             applicationId "com.myexample.foo"
             manifestPlaceholders = [ appName:"Foo"]

        Bar {
             applicationId "com.myexample.bar"
             manifestPlaceholders = [ appName:"Bar"]

    buildTypes {
        release {
            manifestPlaceholders = [ appNameSuffix:""]

        debug {
            manifestPlaceholders = [ appNameSuffix:".Debug"]
            applicationIdSuffix ".debug"

and in the manifest 并在清单中


If you want to access different values based on build type you can do it like this 如果要根据构建类型访问不同的值,可以这样做

buildTypes {
        buildConfigField "String", "Your_string_key", '"yourkeydebugvalue"'
        buildConfigField "String", "SOCKET_URL", '"some text"'
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "LOG", 'true'
    release {
        buildConfigField "String", "Your_string_key", '"yourkeyreleasevalue"'
        buildConfigField "String", "SOCKET_URL", '"release text"'
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "LOG", 'false'


And to access those values using build variants: 并使用构建变体访问这些值:

      // do something with the boolean value

Or 要么


This link http://inaka.net/blog/2014/12/22/create-separate-production-and-staging-builds-in-android/ may help you out. 这个链接http://inaka.net/blog/2014/12/22/create-separate-production-and-staging-builds-in-android/可能会帮到你。

If you have two productFlavors (Production and Staging, for instance) 如果您有两个productFlavors(例如,生产和暂存)

You should create two different resource folders: 您应该创建两个不同的资源文件夹:

project/app/src/production/res/values/strings.xml 项目/应用/ src目录/生产/ RES /价值/ strings.xml中

    <string name="root_url">http://production.service.com/api</string>

project/app/src/staging/res/values/strings.xml 项目/应用/ src目录/分期/ RES /价值/ strings.xml中

    <string name="root_url">http://staging.service.com/api</string>

You should add this following code inside the android {}: 您应该在android {}中添加以下代码:

productFlavors {

    production {
        applicationId "com.inaka.app.production"

    staging {
        applicationId "com.inaka.app.staging"


It's a good idea to have different icons for different productFlavors, just add the icon inside each different resource folder. 为不同的productFlavors设置不同的图标是个好主意,只需在每个不同的资源文件夹中添加图标即可。

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